SQL (Structured Query Language) and NoSQL (Not Only SQL) databases can coexist and complement each other within the same system or application, leveraging the strengths of both databases. Here’s how they can work together and the benefits of such an arrangement: Hybrid Database Architecture Aspect SQL NoSQL Data Variety Ideal […]
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In the fast-paced world of computing, organizations face the challenge of efficiently processing vast amounts of data. AWS Batch, a fully managed service by Amazon Web Services (AWS), offers an effective solution for executing batch computing workloads on the cloud. This article will delve into the history, key features, benefits, […]
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Here are some suggestions to optimize the column or index: Use Appropriate Data Type If the ID consists of only numbers, consider using a numeric data type like BIGINT instead of a character-based type.If the ID is alphanumeric, use VARCHAR it instead of CHAR to save space. Consider Hashing Storing […]
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“Açık Kaynak Yazılımlar ile Test ve Süreç Otomasyonu” konulu seminerimizde açık kaynaklı test frameworkleri kullanılarak farklı türde ürünlerin (web, mobil, servis, desktop) testlerinde ve sürekli tekrar eden işlerin otomatize edilmesinde kullanımı sağlanabilmektedir. Kuveyt Türk’ten Test Yöneticisi Abdurrahman Akın kurumda kullanılan açık kaynak frameworkleri hakkında bilgi paylaşıp nasıl kullandığımıza ve nasıl […]
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