

Linguistics is the scientific study of language, encompassing the analysis of language structure, meaning, and usage, as well as the social, cultural, and historical aspects of languages, contributing to our understanding of communication and the diversity of human expression.

Geçmişe Bağımız Bir Çift Mavi Göz mü?

Geçmişe Bağımız Bir Çift Mavi Göz mü?

Mavi gözlü insanların genetik kökenlerini açıklayan bir araştırma tartışılıyor.  Kopenhag Üniversitesi’nden bilim insanları, mavi göz rengine sahip tüm insanların genetik olarak tek bir ortak atadan geldiğini iddia ediyor. Bu çarpıcı bulgu, insan genomunda yaklaşık 6.000 ila 10.000 yıl önce meydana gelen bir mutasyonla ilişkili. Mavi gözlerin nedeni, OCA2 geninin etkisini […]

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Exploring the World of Languages: 23 Fascinating Maps and Charts

Exploring the World of Languages: 23 Fascinating Maps and Charts

The article “23 maps and charts on language” on, authored by Dylan Matthews, offers a captivating journey through the diverse and intricate world of languages. It presents a series of maps and charts illuminating various aspects of global communication, showcasing the relationships, diversity, and unique characteristics of languages worldwide. […]

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Solving The Biggest Challenge In Remote Work

Solving The Biggest Challenge In Remote Work

The article highlights the challenge of integrating junior employees in remote and hybrid work environments and suggests a structured mentoring program. The mentoring program should pair senior staff members with junior staff for virtual mentoring sessions. The senior staff member from the junior colleague’s team should meet with them monthly […]

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