Pizza Hut Battaniyeleri Kapışıldı.
Pizza Hut’ ın dev bir pizza şeklinde yaptığı yaklaşık yedi kilogramlık battaniyeler büyük ilgi görmüş. Karantinada girdiğimiz kış mevsiminde afiyet olsun diyelim.
Özgür Özkök
openTSDB is a scalable, distributed Time Series Database.
Pizza Hut’ ın dev bir pizza şeklinde yaptığı yaklaşık yedi kilogramlık battaniyeler büyük ilgi görmüş. Karantinada girdiğimiz kış mevsiminde afiyet olsun diyelim.
In MySQL, you can use the CREATE EVENT statement to schedule events. Events can be tasks or queries the database will execute based on a schedule. To create a weekly scheduled event, follow these steps: If it’s OFF, you can turn it on using: Note: Remember to ensure it’s enabled […]
An .env file, short for “environment file,” is a plain text file that stores environment variables. Environment variables are settings that can be used to configure the behavior of an application. These files are often used in software development to store configuration settings that vary between deployment environments, such as […]
To create an hourly event in MySQL, you must have the EVENT privilege for the database. To check if the event scheduler is enabled, run the following: Please note that the MySQL event scheduler is a background process that runs scheduled events based on their schedule. Ensure your MySQL user […]
Diving into the World of InfluxDB In the vast ocean of databases, InfluxDB emerges as a unique fish. It’s not just any database; it’s a time-series database explicitly designed for high-velocity event data. But what makes it so unique? Let’s embark on this journey to discover the magic behind InfluxDB. […]
Foreign food-delivery workers in the United Arab Emirates staged a mass walk-out on Monday, calling for better pay and working conditions in a rare act of industrial action in the Gulf state. This month, the strike comes after foreign workers forced another food delivery company to suspend plans to cut […]
This is a beginners guide to NoSQL databases. We will talk about what they are, the advantages and disadvantages of NoSQL and relational databases and also the different types of NoSQL including document databases, column stores, key-value stores and graph databases NoSQL databases have grown significantly in popularity since their […]