ANKARA – Turkish Airlines announced on Wednesday that its operations have returned to normalcy after experiencing technical issues with its ticket reservation and booking systems. This led to the cancellation of all flights departing from Istanbul. Yahya Ustun, the senior vice president for media relations, clarified that the disruptions were […]
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In Python, object instantiation is a two-step process involving both the __new__ and __init__ methods. These methods play distinct roles in the creation and initialization of objects, ensuring a logical and seamless process. Let’s explore how Python uses these methods to breathe life into objects. 1. The Role of __new__: […]
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What? The Common Closure Principle (CCP) states:” The components’ classes should be closed against the same kind of changes. A change that affects a part affects all the classes in that component and no other components.” In other words, a component should not have multiple reasons to change. The Single […]
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