

Samsung Group, or simply Samsung, is a South Korean multinational manufacturing conglomerate headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul, South Korea.

Indian Railways To Use Facial Recognition Technology To Identify Criminals

indian railways

In a move that could potentially be considered controversial, the Indian Railways is reportedly planning to use facial recognition and artificial intelligence technology to identify and catch criminals. The Railway Protection Force, established by the Railway Protection Force Act, 1957 which works for the protection and security of railway property, […]

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Effective Remote Team Stand-Up Meetings

Effective Remote Team Stand-Up Meetings

Standup meetings are short and focused meetings that help teams align on their goals, progress, and challenges. They are handy for agile teams that work in sprints or iterations. However, running standup meetings with a remote team can be challenging due to the lack of physical presence, time zone differences, […]

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Bakery Manages 400% Growth Using Onfleet Delivery Software

Case Study: Bakery Manages 400% Growth Using Onfleet Delivery Software

Patty’s Cakes and Desserts, a retail storefront bakery in Fullerton, California, faced a significant challenge when delivery demand quadrupled during the pandemic. The company previously used a third-party delivery service, but when the pandemic hit and the service shut down, Patty’s Cakes and Desserts was left without a delivery option. […]

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Nobody wants to be in the office on Fridays.

Nobody wants to be in the office on Fridays

The article highlights the trend of fewer office workers showing up on Fridays and its impact on employers. Kastle Systems, a provider of building security services, reported that just 30% of office workers swiped into work on Fridays in June, which is the lowest of any weekday. The trend of […]

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Tips for Structuring a Hybrid Remote Team

Tips for Structuring a Hybrid Remote Team

Some companies are fighting remotely because they don’t get it yet. Here are some tips to make it easier for you and your team. Since the pandemic lockdown, working from home has become famous for many employees. A survey by Prudential showed that 87% of American workers working remotely during […]

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What Is Test-Driven Development (TDD)?

What Is Test-Driven Development (TDD)?

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a software development practice that involves writing tests for a piece of code before writing the code itself.It is a part of the Extreme Programming (XP) software development methodology. XP emphasizes rapid feedback, continuous testing, and frequent iteration. DDD also focuses on constant feedback and iteration […]

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Samsung’ dan Google ve Android Açıklaması


Rekabet Kurumu’ nun para cezası kararının ardından Google’ ın yeni telefonlar için lisans vermeme kararı ses getirmişti. Bu açıklamayla birlikte Türkiye pazarından çekileceği ya da yeni ürün getirmeyeceği dedikodusu yayılan Samsung’ dan hızlı bir açıklama geldi. Samsung Electronics olarak faaliyet gösterdiğimiz tüm ülkelerin yasalarına göre ticari faaliyetlerimizi yürütüyoruz. Türkiye’de Rekabet […]

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