
Sezen Aksu

Sezen Aksu is a Turkish singer, songwriter, and producer. She is among the most successful Turkish singers, having sold over 40 million albums worldwide.

Unraveling the Mysteries of MySQL’s Scheduled Events

Unraveling the Mysteries of MySQL's Scheduled Events

A scheduled event on MySQL is a task that runs according to a schedule. It is a named database object containing one or more SQL statements to be executed regularly, beginning and ending at a specific date and time. Scheduled events are similar to cron jobs on Linux or task […]

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Implementing Route Optimization and Map Management: A Guide to Improving Efficiency and Accuracy

Implementing Route Optimization and Map Management: A Guide to Improving Efficiency and Accuracy

Improve your delivery operations by optimizing routes and managing maps Route optimization and map management are two critical aspects of delivery operations. By optimizing routes and managing maps, you can improve the efficiency and accuracy of your deliveries. Best Practices for Implementing Route Optimization and Map Management There are several […]

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How to Avoid 8 Common Agile Anti-Patterns Hurting Your Team

How to Avoid 8 Common Agile Anti-Patterns Hurting Your Team

What is Fake Agile? What are Anti-patterns? And Why Are They Hurting Your Organization? This article discusses the concept of fake Agile and anti-patterns that can hinder an organization’s ability to implement agility. While Agile is a philosophy at its core, many companies miss this fundamental difference when transitioning into […]

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How Amazon Delivers On One-Day Shipping

How Amazon Delivers On One-Day Shipping

Prime Day, Amazon’s biggest shopping event, is here, and now one-day shipping is the norm for millions of items available during Amazon’s Prime Day event, which runs from July 15 to July 16. To succeed at this rapid delivery, Amazon spends tens of billions of dollars every year and employs […]

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Aslolan Aşktır

sertab erener

Aslolan AşktırSusma konuşalım,Dersen ona da evetİster savaşalımİster barışalımİster daha uzakYa da yakın durarakSen seç ben uyarımAslolan aşktırGidiyorum bu defa bitti derkenBir adım geriye uzlaştıkÇünkü ortalama bir aşktıkŞiddeti vasatın altındaZora gelince kaçtıkNe sen canım ne benGöze alamazdıkAşk bu ölüme eştirBizse sıradandıkDaha çok yolumuz varMuhtelif konumuz varÖnce durulmalıSonra kibar kibarGidiyorum bu defa […]

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