

A trebuchet is a catapult that uses an extended arm to throw a projectile. It was a standard powerful siege engine until the advent of gunpowder. The design of a trebuchet allows it to launch projectiles of greater weights and further distances than a traditional catapult.

How on-demand food delivery is changing the way we eat

How on-demand food delivery is changing the way we eat

The Future of Food Delivery On-demand food delivery is a rapidly growing industry changing how we eat. Customers can now order food from their favorite restaurants with just a few taps on their smartphones and have it delivered to their door in minutes. This convenience has made on-demand food delivery […]

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Fortifying MQTT Infrastructure: A Five-Pronged Approach

Fortifying MQTT Infrastructure: A Five-Pronged Approach

The article from IoT For All, authored by EMQ Technologies Inc., presents a comprehensive overview of strategies to enhance the security of MQTT infrastructure systems. Here are the key strategies outlined: Building a culture of security awareness through employee training, security policies, and regular drills is also emphasized as a […]

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High performers are sometimes punished with more work. Here’s how to avoid getting quite promoted

High performers are sometimes punished with more work. Here’s how to avoid getting quiet promoted

In today’s competitive workplace, being a top performer is more important than ever. But what happens when you do everything right and still get punished for your performance? This is known as performance punishment and can be a demoralizing experience. Here are some tips on how to avoid performance punishment: […]

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World’s Simplest and Newest Trebuchet (Walking Arm Trebuchet)


This is the world premier for our new trebuchet design. Not only is this trebuchet simple, but it is also extremely efficient. It has many advantages of a floating arm trebuchet but with fewer parts, less friction, and a unique projectile launch path. As you can see in my son’s […]

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Steve Jobs introduces iPhone in 2007

steve jobs

This is the iPhone introduction excerpt from the Macworld San Francisco 2007 Keynote Address January 9th, 2007. Steve Jobs made the claim that it was 5 years ahead of any other phone. AppleTV was also introduced that day.

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