
Yagni Principle

The YAGNI principle, which stands for You Ain’t Gonna Need It, discourages developers from adding features to a program they don’t need. The idea is that it’s better to start with a simple program and add features as needed rather than trying to anticipate all of the possible requirements upfront.


The CTO’s Guide to Mastering DevOps: Principles and Practical Strategies

The CTO's Guide to Mastering DevOps: Principles and Practical Strategies

In the fast-paced world of software development, the role of a CTO in navigating DevOps practices is pivotal. The “CTO DevOps Handbook” provides a clear, practical framework for understanding and implementing DevOps tailored for technology leaders. This handbook serves as an invaluable guide for CTOs, helping them navigate the complexities […]

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Onion Architecture – Software Design Patterns Explained

Onion Architecture - Software Design Patterns Explained

Onion Architecture is a design approach that aims to create a separation of concerns within the layers of an application. It is called “onion” architecture because the design is layered, with the core domain logic at the center and the outer layers representing services and infrastructure. The layers of an […]

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Differentiating with Last-Mile Delivery: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market


The last mile is the final leg of the journey for a product, from the fulfillment center to the customer’s door. It is often the most expensive, time-consuming, and critical part of the supply chain. A well-run last-mile operation can ensure that products are delivered on time, in good condition, […]

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Stability AI CEO: There Will Be No (Human) Programmers in Five Years

Stability AI CEO: There Will Be No (Human) Programmers in Five Years

Emad Mostaque, CEO of Stability AI, has provocatively predicted the future of programming. He believes that in five years, there will be no human programmers. Instead, all code will be written by AI. The Rise of AI Programming Mostaque’s prediction is based on the rapid advances that are being made […]

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Batching Up Your Workloads: Discovering the Scalable and Cost-effective Computing with AWS Batch

Batching Up Your Workloads: Discovering the Scalable and Cost-effective Computing with AWS Batch

AWS Batch is a fully managed service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enables developers, scientists, and engineers to quickly and efficiently run batch computing workloads on the AWS Cloud. AWS Batch manages the underlying infrastructure for you and optimizes the allocation of compute resources so that you can […]

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Emeğe Saygı! Temiz Yaz, Kodun Kokmasın!

Emeğe Saygı! Temiz Yaz, Kodun Kokmasın!

Çeşitli şirketlerde, farklı büyüklüklerde yapılar içinde yazılım geliştiriyoruz.  Evde tek başına yazılım geliştiriyor olsak dahi farketmemelidir. İşimize saygımız, işimizi iyi yapmayı gerektirir.  İşimizi iyi yapacağız.  Kodumuz temiz olacak.  Kodun temiz olması nasıl olur demeyelim, temiz olmayan kod kokar ve kendini belli eder 🙂 Sınıf Tasarımı Prensipleri (Principles of Class Design) […]

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