

Zuul is an L7 application gateway that provides capabilities for dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.

Google employees who lost jobs feel layoff was not based on performance, Sundar Pichai clarifies.

Google employees who lost jobs feel layoff was not based on performance, Sundar Pichai clarifies.

According to a report from Business Insider, Google’s chief people officer, Fiona Cicconi, has also revealed some of the factors considered for layoff. According to recent reports, Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai clarified that the layoffs were not random and were structured and prioritized based on each employee’s performance, productivity, and […]

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PyLint: A Python Static Code Analyzer

PyLint: A Python Static Code Analyzer

PyLint is a Python static code analysis tool that helps you find potential bugs, improve code quality, and enforce coding standards. It is a free and open-source tool that can be used on any Python project. How PyLint Works PyLint analyzes your code without actually running it. It looks for […]

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Scaling Push Messaging for Millions of Netflix Devices


Netflix built Zuul Push, a massively scalable push messaging service that handles millions of always-on, persistent connections to proactively push time-sensitive data, like personalized movie recommendations, from the AWS Cloud to devices. This helped reduce Netflix’s notification latency and the Amazon EC2 footprint by eliminating wasteful polling requests. It also […]

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“Zuul’s Journey to Non-Blocking” by Arthur Gonigberg


Zuul 2.0 is the latest iteration of the gateway application fronting Netflix’s API and underlying microservices. It was borne of a need to handle an ever-growing amount of traffic and a similarly ever-growing number of microservices to the front. We rebuilt Zuul from the ground up, leveraging the Netty framework […]

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Zuul: Edge Service in the Cloud


Zuul is an edge service that proxies request to multiple backing services. It provides a unified “front door” to your system, allowing a browser, mobile app, or user interface to consume services from multiple hosts without managing cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) and authentication. Mar 2, 2016 The official site is  […]

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