The Three Pillars of Scrum

What are the three pillars of Scrum? It is simple: transparency, inspection, and adaptation.
What Is Scrum?
Scrum is an agile methodology that is used for product design and development. It uses cross-functional teams to deliver products and services in short cycles, which enables fast feedback, continuous improvement, and rapid adaptation to change. Scrum breaks down the work of developing a product into small pieces prioritized and addressed in sprint planning meetings, usually for one or two weeks.
Any Scrum team must work with a few fundamental principles in mind, the so-called three pillars of Scrum:
The three pillars of Scrum are transparency, inspection, and adaptation.
Transparency means that everyone involved in the product development process knows what is happening with the product, and there is a common goal and language for the team. This allows for a free flow of information and regular meetings for all team members.
Inspection regularly examines the progress and quality of the product and the process in Scrum. The entire Scrum team does it, which is only possible with transparency. The inspection helps identify problems early on and allows for adjustments before it’s too late.
Adaptation is responding to external changes and pivoting the development process. Scrum is empirical and works with evidence, facts, and experience. It does not get hung up on the initial idea and vision for the product but rather experiments with them and checks that they are genuinely what is needed. This ensures that the final product matches end-users’ needs and the product owner’s business requirements.
Scrum relies on transparency, inspection, and adaptation to achieve faster innovation, more rapid development of a tangible product, improved user experience and satisfaction, and better team morale. The high level of transparency in Scrum means that everyone can contribute to the product development process and is engaged in the whole process, not just their specific agenda item.
Inspection is a crucial aspect of Scrum, allowing continuous improvement and adaptation. It helps identify problems early on and allows for adjustments before it’s too late. This helps to ensure that the final product meets the needs of the end-users and the product owner’s business requirements.
In summary, Scrum is an agile methodology that uses cross-functional teams to deliver products and services in short cycles. The three pillars of Scrum, transparency, inspection, and adaptation, are vital to ensuring that the final product matches the needs of end-users and the product owner’s business requirements, resulting in faster innovation, better user experience, and improved team morale.
The article is “The Three Pillars of Scrum.”