
clean code

Clean code is easy to read, understand, and maintain. It is code that is well-organized, well-documented, and free of errors. Clean code is also code that is efficient and scalable.


Emeğe Saygı! Temiz Yaz, Kodun Kokmasın!

Emeğe Saygı! Temiz Yaz, Kodun Kokmasın!

Çeşitli şirketlerde, farklı büyüklüklerde yapılar içinde yazılım geliştiriyoruz.  Evde tek başına yazılım geliştiriyor olsak dahi farketmemelidir. İşimize saygımız, işimizi iyi yapmayı gerektirir.  İşimizi iyi yapacağız.  Kodumuz temiz olacak.  Kodun temiz olması nasıl olur demeyelim, temiz olmayan kod kokar ve kendini belli eder 🙂 Sınıf Tasarımı Prensipleri (Principles of Class Design) […]

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Clean Code – Uncle Bob

Uncle Bob (Robert Cecil Martin)

“Coding Better World Together” is a set of master lessons from the famous Uncle Bob (Robert Cecil Martin), where he gives us a broad vision of the importance and future of Software in today’s society. In this first lesson, Uncle Bob demonstrates the need to write clean code. He establishes […]

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Sustainable Software Design: Understanding the Benefits of the Common Closure Principle

Common Closure Principle

What? The Common Closure Principle (CCP) states:” The components’ classes should be closed against the same kind of changes. A change that affects a part affects all the classes in that component and no other components.” In other words, a component should not have multiple reasons to change. The Single […]

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Mastering Clean Architecture Principles for Effective Software Design

Mastering Clean Architecture Principles for Effective Software Design

The Principles of Clean Architectureby Uncle Bob Martin(@unclebobmartin) Robert C. Martin, aka Uncle Bob, has been a software professional since 1970 and an international software consultant since 1990. In the last 40 years, he has worked on hundreds of software projects in various capacities. In 2001, he initiated the group […]

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