
Conway’s Law

Conway’s law is an adage in software engineering that states that an organization’s communication structure will inevitably resemble the design of its software. It is named after Melvin Conway, who introduced the idea in a 1967 paper.

The law is based on the reasoning that for a product to function, the authors and designers of its parts must communicate with each other to ensure compatibility between the components. If an organization’s details do not closely reflect the essential functions of the product, or if the relationships between organizations do not reflect the connections between product parts, then the project will be in trouble.


Microservices and the Inverse Conway Manoeuvre

Microservices and the Inverse Conway Manoeuvre

Go faster than your competitors. That’s the promise of microservices – deploy more quickly, scale faster, and be more robust. It’s all about outcomes; how your organization is structured tremendously impacts those outcomes. It’s easy to say “Conway’s Law” and then move swiftly on. “But but but, but how?” James […]

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The Successful Transition To A Microservices Architecture

The Successful Transition To A Microservices Architecture

Indeed, the cultural changes required for a successful transition to a microservices architecture can be just as significant as the technical considerations. In a microservices architecture, the focus is on building more minor, independent services that can be developed and deployed independently. This can require a shift in how teams […]

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What is Conway’s Law? with Michael Feathers

Conway's Law and Microservices

For this WTFinar, we’ve got a damn legend in the house—the one and only, Michael Feathers. And the legend says, “It’s what’s on the inside that counts.” This is true for people, eclairs, systems, and organizations. The nature of programming is changing as we shift to building cloud-based systems through […]

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Akvaryumda Lüfer Avlanmaz ya da Conway Yasası

Akvaryumda Lüfer Avlanmaz ya da Conway Yasası

Melvin Conway’ in bir kuramını yazılım yönetim tekniklerinde sıkça kullanıyoruz.  “Sistemleri tasarlayan organizasyonlar … kendi iletişim yapılarının birer kopyasını üretmekle sınırlıdır”  Conway, Melvin E. (April 1968), “How do Committees Invent?”, Datamation ‘da orijinal makaleyi incelebilirsiniz.  Conway ‘in bu tespiti Conway Yasası olarak adlandırılıyor.   Yazılım geliştiren ekiplerin aralarındaki iletişim ve diğer […]

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Conway’s Law and Microservices. A perfect match, or not?

Conway's Law and Microservices. A perfect match, or not?

Microservices have often been touted as the natural output of cross-functional teams, thus proving Conway’s Law: that software will reflect the people structures that created that software. Indeed, at Tesco, we’ve even applied the ‘reverse Conway’ maneuver and structured our organization to reflect the domain-based microservices we desired. Such an […]

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What Is Conway’s Law?

Software Craftsmanship

Conway’s law is an adage named after computer programmer Melvin Conway, who introduced the idea in 1967. It was first dubbed Conway’s law by participants at the 1968 National Symposium on Modular Programming. It states that “organizations which design systems … are constrained to produce designs which are copies of […]

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