

Solving The Trade-Offs

Solving The Trade-Offs

Designing a software system is a complex process that involves many decisions and trade-offs. It is essential to strike a balance between simplicity and flexibility and continuously review and refine the design to meet the system’s evolving needs.
One approach to achieving this balance is to use a pragmatic, clean architecture, also known as an “onion” architecture. This approach emphasizes separating concerns and using well-defined boundaries to allow for flexibility and ease of maintenance. It also encourages using simple data structures and clear, testable designs.
To implement a pragmatic, clean architecture, using a “fitness function” to guide the design process can be helpful. This function defines the goals and criteria for the design and can be used to assess the trade-offs and make decisions about the architecture.
It is also important to use techniques such as refactoring and dependency injection to maintain the simplicity and flexibility of the design over time. By continuously reviewing and adapting the architecture to fit the present needs of the system, it is possible to preserve developer happiness and create a system that is both effective and maintainable.