
(20) Software Craftsmanship, Yazılımda Ustalaşmak

Software Craftsmanship is a movement that advocates for the practice of software development as a craft. It emphasizes the importance of quality, craftsmanship, and professionalism in software development.

What is NUnit Testing For .NET?

What is NUnit Testing For .NET?

NUnit is a unit testing framework for the .NET platform. It is designed to make it easy to write and run repeatable tests and to allow tests to be grouped and organized logically and meaningfully. One advantage of NUnit is that it is a mature and well-supported framework with a […]

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Start Small, Win Big: The Power of The Lean Startup Approach

The Lean Startup Approach

Product teams can choose from many different processes and methodologies, and trying to understand how they all fit together can be overwhelming. However, you’re right that focusing on the values underpinning these methods can make it easier to see how they are related and can be used together effectively. Lean […]

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What Is The Onion Architecture?

What Is The Onion Architecture?

Onion Architecture, or Hexagonal Architecture, is a software design pattern separating an application’s core logic from the surrounding infrastructure. It is designed to create a flexible and decoupled architecture that is easy to test and maintain. The Onion Architecture is a software development approach commonly associated with Domain-Driven Design (DDD). […]

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Highly Effective 7 Habits for Developers

Highly Effective 7 Habits for Developers

These are the seven habits of a highly effective software developer: Map out a timetable Creating a schedule helps you prioritize your tasks and allocate time efficiently. Setting aside time for learning new programming languages or technologies and working on projects is essential. A timetable will help you stay focused […]

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Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Test-Driven Development (TDD), and Clean Code

Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Test-Driven Development (TDD), and Clean Code

Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Test-Driven Development (TDD), and clean code are all software development practices that can be used to create high-quality, maintainable software. DDD, or Domain-Driven Design, is a software development approach focusing on understanding the problem domain thoroughly before designing and developing the software system. This approach emphasizes using […]

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Things you should look for in a Code Review

Things you should look for in a Code Review

Code review, or peer review, is a quality assurance activity in software development where one or several individuals examine parts of the code. The purpose of code review is to ensure that the code base is of good quality and to allow reviewers and authors to learn from each other. […]

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What Is Test-Driven Development (TDD)?

What Is Test-Driven Development (TDD)?

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a software development practice that involves writing tests for a piece of code before writing the code itself.It is a part of the Extreme Programming (XP) software development methodology. XP emphasizes rapid feedback, continuous testing, and frequent iteration. DDD also focuses on constant feedback and iteration […]

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Python Code Analysis Made Easy

Python Code Analysis Made Easy

Many tools and applications can help you with code review and quality control for your Python projects on GitHub. Some of the popular ones are: MultiQC: A tool aggregating quality control reports from multiple devices across many samples into a single report. It supports various Python tools such as FastQC, […]

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SonarQube for Python: The Guardian Angel of Code Quality

SonarQube for Python: The Guardian Angel of Code Quality

SonarQube is an open-source platform developed by SonarSource for continuous inspection of code quality. It provides automated reviews with static code analysis to detect bugs and code smells in 29 programming languages. SonarQube offers reports on duplicated code, coding standards, unit tests, code coverage, code complexity, comments, bugs, and security […]

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