
(20) Software Craftsmanship, Yazılımda Ustalaşmak

Software Craftsmanship is a movement that advocates for the practice of software development as a craft. It emphasizes the importance of quality, craftsmanship, and professionalism in software development.

Building a REST API using Python and Flask | Flask-RESTful

Building a REST API using Python and Flask | Flask-RESTful

Python is a high-level programming language widely used for web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and many other applications. It is known for its simplicity, readability, and ease of use, making it a popular choice for beginners and experienced programmers. Flask is a web framework for Python designed […]

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Check the OS version in Linux.

Check OS version in Linux

Linux is a free and open source operating system. There are many variants of Linux out there. They are typically called Linux distribution. Suse, OpenSUSE, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Arch, Fedora, RHEL all are common Linux distribution names. Knowing your os version and name can be very useful for security patches. […]

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Elasticsearch basic concepts

Elasticsearch basic concepts

Learn Elasticsearch basic concepts and fundamentals of elasticsearch or basic concepts and terms in elasticsearch. Learn what is document, index, shards, cluster, replicas, node, mappings, types and schemas.Also learn the clustering mechanism of elasticsearch and elasticsearch architecture in depth

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Fast Food Demo With JavaFx


JavaFx Designing Tutorials: Welcome to JavaFx Design Tutorials, a place where you can excel your UI Designing skills and you will be able to implement it in your upcoming projects or assignments. In this channel I have given my best to learn you how to design material UI’s, metro UI’s,Flat […]

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The World Runs on OpenStack

The World Runs on OpenStack

17 Ekim 2017 Wyndham Grand Levent Hotel’de “The World Runs on OpenStack”mottosuyla 3.sü gerçekleşen “OpenStack Days Turkey” etkinliği bu yıl da yoğun katılımcıyla gerçekleşti. OpenStack, ilk olarak 2010 yılında Amerikan Ulusal Uzay Ajansı (NASA) tarafından sağlanan hesaplama bileşeni Nova ve bulut servis sağlayıcısı Rackspace tarafından sağlanan depolama bileşeni Swift’in birleşmesi  […]

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Blockchain Simply Explained


How does blockchain work? It works with Blocks, where a spreadsheet works with “rows” and “columns.” A block in a blockchain is a collection of data. Blockchain is a distributed ledger, which means that a ledger is spread across the network among all peers in the network, and each peer holds a copy of the complete ledger.

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Daily Standup Meeting or Daily Scrum Meeting

Daily Standup Meeting or Daily Scrum Meeting

Daily Standup Meeting or Daily Scrum Meeting Understand details of Daily Scrum Calls, Daily Scrum Meetings, or daily huddles. With topics below The Daily Standup Meeting, or the Daily Scrum Meeting, is a short, time-boxed event (typically 15 minutes) that occurs every day in which the development team reviews progress […]

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Streaming Database Changes with Debezium by Gunnar Morling

Streaming Database Changes with Debezium by Gunnar Morling

“Debezium (noun | de·be·zi·um | /dɪ:ˈbɪ:ziːəm/) – secret ingredient for change data capture” Updating caches and full-text indexes, synchronizing data between microservices, maintaining different read models in a CRQS-style architecture, and feeding operational data to your analytics tools — just a few use cases which benefit so much from streaming […]

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