

10 Best Image Processing Libraries in Python

10 Best Image Processing Libraries in Python
  1. OpenCV: An open-source computer vision library that provides a wide range of image processing and computer vision capabilities.
  2. Pillow: A library for handling and manipulating image files, built on PIL (Python Imaging Library).
  3. scikit-image: A library for image processing in Python, providing a wide range of algorithms for image segmentation, restoration, and feature extraction.
  4. SimpleITK: A simplified interface to the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK), a powerful library for image analysis.
  5. imgaug: A library for image augmentation in machine learning, providing a wide range of image transformation functions.
  6. imageio: A library for reading and writing a wide range of image and video formats in Python.
  7. PILKit: A collection of image processing tools built on top of the Python Imaging Library (PIL)
  8. Mahotas: A library for computer vision and image processing in Python, providing a wide range of features for image processing, including image thresholding, morphological operations, and feature detection.
  9. PyWavelets: A library for wavelet transforms in Python, useful for image denoising and compression.
  10. Dlib: A library for machine learning and computer vision in Python, including support for image processing and object detection.