
Aylık Arşiv: Mayıs 2018

Conway’s Law and Microservices. A perfect match, or not?

Conway's Law and Microservices. A perfect match, or not?

Microservices have often been touted as the natural output of cross-functional teams, thus proving Conway’s Law: that software will reflect the people structures that created that software. Indeed, at Tesco, we’ve even applied the ‘reverse Conway’ maneuver and structured our organization to reflect the domain-based microservices we desired. Such an […]

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Kimseye Anlatmadım

Bülent Ortaçgil

Sev beni, sar beniBir tek kötü sözün sarsar beniBilinmez denizlerinKuytu koylarında bul beni Ben bunları kimseye anlatmadımKendimle bile konuşmadımBen bunları kimseye anlatmadımBir tek sen duy diyeSen bil diyeSen anla diye Sez beni, yaz beniKarmakarışıklığımdan çöz beniBirikmiş tortularınKirli sularından süz beni Ben bunları kimseye anlatmadımKendimle bile konuşmadımBen… Bülent Ortaçgil

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Entity Framework Tutorial

Entity Framework Core

I am suggesting this site for Entity Framework Learning  Entity Framework is an open-source object-relational mapping framework for ADO.NET. It was a part of .NET Framework, but since Entity Framework version 6 it is separated from .NET framework.  Learn Entity Framework using simple yet practical examples on for free. […]

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Rubato & Gazapizm – Kalbim Çukurda

Rubato & Gazapizm - Kalbim Çukurda

Gazapizm – Kalbim Çukurda Bir Şehir Sanki KarşındaHatıraların ArkandaKıstırıyorlar Seni SokaktaÖldüm Her Köşebaşında İsmin Her Yıkık DuvardaAğlatıp KaldırımlardaKandırıyorlar Seni MasallaKalbim Hep Aynı Sokakta O Kalbi Gerekirse Parçalar ElimAsla Kaçmadan Geri, Onlar Bulmadan BeniKoş Gel Bir Köşebaşında Kesilmiş NefesimKısılmış Sesim, Sanki Çok Yakınmış DenizGözümde Sanrılar Gerçeğin Tılsımı EtikMahallem Fişlenmiş, Basılmış Evim […]

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The Reuse/Release Equivalency Principle is:

The Reuse/Release Equivalency Principle is:

The Reuse/Release Equivalency Principle is:“The granule of reuse is the granule of release. Only components that are released through a tracking system can be effectively reused. This granule is the package.” What is reuse? The copying code is not reused. If you copy or insert code/modules into your code, then […]

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“Zuul’s Journey to Non-Blocking” by Arthur Gonigberg


Zuul 2.0 is the latest iteration of the gateway application fronting Netflix’s API and underlying microservices. It was borne of a need to handle an ever-growing amount of traffic and a similarly ever-growing number of microservices to the front. We rebuilt Zuul from the ground up, leveraging the Netty framework […]

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