
Aylık Arşiv: Temmuz 2021

Python Cerberus – A neat and readable way to validate attributes of a dictionary

Python Cerberus – A neat and readable way to validate attributes of a dictionary

Do Not Use If-Else For Validating Data Objects In Python Anymore In Python, it is common to use if-else statements to validate data objects. However, this can be error-prone and difficult to maintain. Cerberus is a Python library that provides a more elegant and efficient way to validate data objects. […]

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Code, Commit, Deploy: Streamlining Web App Development with PyCharm and GitHub

Code, Commit, Deploy: Streamlining Web App Development with PyCharm and GitHub

PyCharm is an IDE that makes it easy to build Python applications. To build a web app in Python with PyCharm, create a new project and select the “Web Application” project type. Once you have created a new project, you will need to add the following dependencies to your project: […]

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MySQL IFNULL Keyword: A Practical Guide

MySQL IFNULL Keyword: A Practical Guide

The MySQL IFNULL() function is handy for handling NULL values in your queries. It allows you to specify a default value to be returned if a NULL value is encountered. This can be helpful for a variety of tasks, such as: Body: Syntax of the IFNULL() Function The syntax of […]

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PyLint: A Python Static Code Analyzer

PyLint: A Python Static Code Analyzer

PyLint is a Python static code analysis tool that helps you find potential bugs, improve code quality, and enforce coding standards. It is a free and open-source tool that can be used on any Python project. How PyLint Works PyLint analyzes your code without actually running it. It looks for […]

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Creating an Automated Pull Request Checklist on GitHub

Creating an Automated Pull Request Checklist on GitHub

You can use the GitHub Actions workflow to create an automated pull request checklist in GitHub. A workflow is a series of steps executed automatically when a specific event occurs, such as making a new pull request. Here are the steps on how to create an automated pull request checklist […]

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Pre-commit: A Framework for Managing and Maintaining Multi-Language Pre-Commit Hooks

Pre-commit: A Framework for Managing and Maintaining Multi-Language Pre-Commit Hooks

How to keep your codebase clean and consistent with this powerful tool. Pre-commit is a framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks. Pre-commit hooks are scripts that are run before each commit to ensuring that the codebase is in a clean and consistent state. Pre-commit is a powerful tool […]

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The Graph Data Structure

The Graph Data Structure

A graph data structure represents a set of objects (called nodes or vertices) and the relationships between them (called edges). Graphs can model real-world entities and associations, such as social networks, transportation networks, and computer networks. There are many reasons why we use graph data structures. Some of the most […]

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Graphs in Python: A Powerful Tool for Data Analysis

Graphs in Python: A Powerful Tool for Data Analysis

Graphs are robust data structures that can represent relationships between entities. In Python, many libraries can be used to construct and manipulate graphs. Constructing Graphs in Python The NetworkX Library The NetworkX library is a popular Python library for constructing and manipulating graphs. It provides many features, such as: Code […]

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