Remember the times when Canonical was working on a Qt-based desktop and mobile phone? Remember Unity, the default Ubuntu desktop that was about to be rewritten in Qt under the name as Unity8 shortly before Canonical killed the project and switched to GNOME? And Remember Ubuntu Touch, the Linux-based operating systems for tablets […]
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I am constantly afraid of using Google tools
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Dr. Av. Oğuzkan Güzel tarafından 26.03.2019 tarihinde İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi’nde gerçekleşen Uygulamalı Rekabet Hukuku Seminerleri 2019 programı kapsamında sunulan “Rekabet Kurumu’nun Zoraki Regülasyon Görevi; Bankalararası Kart Merkezi Muafiyet Kararları” başlıklı tebliğin video kaydıdır.
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What is a digital signature? This walkthrough demonstrates how to create a private key, public key, digitally sign a document, and verify. A digital signature and signing are critical concepts in cryptography and information security. Digital Signature: Signing (in Cryptography): Advantages of Digital Signatures: In the digital world, digital signatures […]
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Kore is an easy to use web platform for writing scalable, concurrent APIs in C or Python. Its primary goals are security, scalability and allowing rapid development and deployment of such APIs. Because of this Kore is an ideal candidate for building robust, scalable and secure web things. Kore comes packed […]
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Most popular languages on GitHub as of October 25, 2019, counting only repos with at least 10000 stars. # language repos count 1 JavaScript 397 2 Python 115 3 Java 103 4 Go 78 5 C++ 53 6 TypeScript 46 7 HTML 36 8 C 33 9 Shell 32 10 […]
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Different versions of PHP – History and evolution of PHP Eight years ago, Rasmus Lerdorf started developing PHP/FI. He could not have imagined that his creation would eventually lead to the development of PHP as we know it today, which is being used by millions of people. The first version […]
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Spring Cloud Stream is a framework for building highly scalable event-driven microservices connected with shared messaging systems. The framework provides a flexible programming model built on already established and familiar Spring idioms and best practices, including support for persistent pub/sub semantics, consumer groups, and stateful partitions. Binder Implementations Spring Cloud […]
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Mirantis today announced that it had acquired Docker’s Enterprise business and team. Docker Enterprise was very much the heart of Docker’s product lineup, so this sale leaves Docker as a shell of its former, high-flying unicorn self. Docker, which installed a new CEO earlier this year, says it will continue to focus on tools that will advance […]
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Daha önce verilen kararın ardından bir değişiklik yayınlandı. Karar Sayısı : 19-38/563-232 Karar Tarihi : 7.11.2019 İdari Yargılama Usulü Kanunu’nun 11. maddesi çerçevesinde yapılan yeniden değerlendirme sonucu; Bankalararası Kart Merkezi A.Ş. tarafından sunulan BKM Express hizmetinin, 4054 sayılı Kanun’un 5. maddesinde yer alan koşulları sağlamaması nedeniyle söz konusu faaliyete muafiyet […]
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