
özgür özkök

Creating event-driven microservices: the why, how and what

Creating event-driven microservices: the why, how and what

This talk discusses the benefits of using an event-driven architecture for microservices and how Apache Kafka can facilitate this approach. An event-driven architecture involves using events as the system’s backbone, with microservices communicating with each other by producing and consuming events. This can be more efficient than REST APIs, as […]

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AWS Lambda nedir?

AWS Lambda nedir?

AWS Lambda, sunucuları tedarik etmeden veya yönetmeden kod çalıştırmanıza olanak tanır. Yalnızca kullandığınız işlem süresi için ödeme yaparsınız; kodunuzun çalışmadığı zamanlar için ödeme alınmaz. Lambda sayesinde hiçbir yönetim işlemi gerekmeden neredeyse her tür uygulama veya arka uç hizmeti için kod çalıştırabilirsiniz. Kodunuzu yüklemeniz yeterlidir; Lambda kodunuzu yüksek erişilebilirlikle çalıştırmak ve […]

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Declarative REST Client: Feign

Feign makes writing java http clients easier

Feign is a declarative web service client. It makes writing web service clients easier. To use Feign create an interface and annotate it. It has pluggable annotation support, including Feign annotations and JAX-RS annotations. Feign also supports pluggable encoders and decoders. Spring Cloud adds support for Spring MVC annotations and for […]

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Config as a Service: Simplifying Application Setup with Spring Cloud Config


Spring Cloud Config provides server-side and client-side support for externalized configuration in a distributed system. With the Config Server, you have a central place to manage external properties for applications across all environments. The concepts on both client and server map identically to the Spring Environment and PropertySource abstractions, so they fit very well […]

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Sustainable Software Design: Understanding the Benefits of the Common Closure Principle

Common Closure Principle

What? The Common Closure Principle (CCP) states:” The components’ classes should be closed against the same kind of changes. A change that affects a part affects all the classes in that component and no other components.” In other words, a component should not have multiple reasons to change. The Single […]

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Consistent Data Partitioning through Global Indexing for Large Apache Hadoop Tables at Uber

Consistent Data Partitioning through Global Indexing for Large Apache Hadoop Tables at Uber

Data serves little purpose if we cannot find it. Looking up individual records in the 100-plus petabytes of data accumulated at Uber lets us perform updates and gather valuable insights to help improve our services, such as delivering more accurate ETAs to riders and showing eaters their favorite food options. […]

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M.F.Ö – MAZHAR FUAT ÖZKAN – Antalya Konser

M.F.Ö - MAZHAR FUAT ÖZKAN - Antalya Konser

0:00 Ele Güne Karşı 3:30 Mazeretim Var Asabiyim Ben 7:33 Ah Bu Ben 11:43 Sarı Laleler 15:14 Sakın Gelme 18:27 Mecburen 21:48 Psikopatım 24:21 Yandım 29:00 Yalnızlık Ömür Boyu 32:43 Ne Bileyim Ben 36:00 Olduramadım 42:35 Hep Aynı MFÖ’den Müzik dersi 🙂 44:27 Fuat’dan Müzik dersi 47:00 Özkan’dan Müzik dersi […]

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Innovative mobile checkout solution DIGI Shop&Go

Digi Teraoka Shop&Go Mobile Checkout Solution

In the world of e-commerce, retailers need new ways to offer value to customers. With next-gen mobile checkout concept DIGI Shop&Go, shoppers scan items in the store using their own smartphones and pay at a self-payment station. The solution dramatically reduces checkout times and is a convenient option for shoppers. […]

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Kanban Work In-Progress Limits

Kanban Work In Progress Limits

Work in Progress (WIP) limits restrict the number of kanban cards in each kanban board column. By limiting work in progress, teams often get more jobs done (and faster) than without WIP limits. This video teaches you what a WIP limit is, how to set your WIP limit on Jira […]

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