Adobe CTO Abhay Parasnis sees a shift happening. A shift in how people share content and who wants to use creative tools. A change in how users expect these tools to work — especially how much time they take to learn and how quickly they get things done. In many cases, […]
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Aşılar sağlık alanında yapılan en önemli buluşlardandır. Aşılar bütün insanlık içindir. Bilimsel gerçeklik olmadan “Aşı Olmayın” kampanyaları toplumsal bir suçtur. Tartışılması gereken ilaç tekellerinin fiyatlandırma politikası, sağlık hizmetlerinin kalitesi olmalıdır. Sayın Ender Helvacıoğlu’ nun güzel bir açıklamasını paylaşıyorum.
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World’s oldest grandmaster, 95-year-old Yuri Averbakh, played 4-year-old child star Misha Osipov.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL) are related but distinct fields of study and technology. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broad field encompassing various technologies and approaches for creating intelligent systems. It includes subfields such as rule-based systems, planning, problem-solving, and more recent technologies such as […]
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SinBun is a local ghost kitchen offering unique savory and sweet twists on cinnamon buns, such as buffalo chicken and cookie crumble toppings. This ghost kitchen turned a traditional cinnamon bun into a savory steak & cheese roll for two.
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Paylaşım ekonomisi günümüzün gözde kavramlarından birisi oldu. Klasik örnek, Türkiye ‘de yasaklanan Uber’dir. Uber’in kendisine ait arabası ya da sürücüleri yok. Sisteme girecek sürücü ve araçlar için uzun bir standartlar listesi sunuyor. Bunu kabul eden sürücüler sisteme giriyor. Uber kusursuz bir altyapı, çok hızlı operasyon ve sıcak bir müşteri […]
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Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that involves using algorithms and statistical models to enable computers to perform tasks without being explicitly programmed to perform those tasks. It is essentially a method of training computers to learn from and make decisions based on data. Here is […]
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The last mile is the final leg of the journey for a product, from the fulfillment center to the customer’s door. It is often the most expensive and time-consuming part of the supply chain and the most critical. A well-run last-mile operation can ensure that products are delivered on time, […]
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The Java Class Path, often referred to as the “classpath,” is a parameter in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that specifies the location of user-defined classes and packages. It is essentially a way to tell the JVM where to look for user-defined types and […]
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The article discusses ten everyday habits often found in individuals not meeting their success goals. These habits include procrastination, lack of discipline, taking on too many tasks simultaneously, poor time management, maintaining a negative mindset, blaming others for personal failures, fear of taking risks, focusing only on short-term goals, lack […]
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