In the era of cloud computing, organizations seek efficient ways to manage complex workflows and orchestrate microservices seamlessly. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Step Functions provides a powerful solution to build and execute serverless workflows using visual representations of state machines. In this article, we will explore the capabilities of AWS […]
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You run an e-commerce platform and want to monitor the inventory levels of your products. You’d like to receive an alert when a product’s inventory drops below a certain threshold, indicating it’s time to restock. Steps to Set Up the Alert System: Step Action Details 1 Setup and Integration – […]
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Ordering food has taken a spectral turn. Ghost kitchens, also known as cloud or commissary kitchens, are rising. These are restaurants without the traditional storefront, dining room, or front-of-house staff. Instead, they exist primarily digitally, serving customers exclusively through delivery apps. While they were around before the pandemic, their popularity […]
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Great leaders tend to follow principles that guide how they work, organize their thoughts and plans, and lead their teams. Call it a platform, a policy, or a belief system, but most leaders have a foundational awareness of what they need to perform at their best. Principle Number Principle Description […]
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Clean code is the hallmark of functional and elegant software, making it easy to read, understand, maintain, and test. In this insightful article by Klaus Haeuptle, the essence of clean code is distilled, emphasizing its importance for sustainable software development. Here’s a concise summary: The article is “Clean Code: Writing […]
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Rule Number Rule Description 1 Write for yourself first. During rewrites, remove anything that isn’t essential to the story. 2 Avoid passive voice. Passive voice is safe, but it’s not engaging. 3 Limit adverbs. Adverbs aren’t your friends. 4 Avoid using adverbs after “he said” and “she said.” 5 If […]
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Segment from an AT&T Bell Labs (BTL) promotional film (circa 1980s) featuring UNIX creators Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie briefly explaining the UNIX environment. In cameo roles you’ll see UNIX luminaries Greg Chesson (in the wine red shirt) and Doug McIlroy (to the foreground of Greg). Also featured is a […]
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Creating a Culture of Software Craftsmanship[EuroPython 2018 – Talk – 2018-07-27 – Moorfoot][Edinburgh, UK] By Keith Harrison This time it’ll be different. It’s a green field project and you’ve learned from your mistakes. You’re not going to make the same ones again. Fast forward several months and you’re in a […]
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I am a big fan of Selenium; I must say this first. Selenium WebDriver is a tool for writing automated tests of websites. It allows you to write tests in multiple programming languages, including Java, Python, C#, and more. With Selenium WebDriver, you can create tests that automatically interact with […]
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A new study from researchers at the Texas A&M University School of Public Health shows that working remotely or from home does not negatively affect employee productivity. This is particularly relevant as companies drag employees back to the office. The study offers insight into the growing trend of working remotely […]
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