Mesajlaşma uygulaması Telegram’ın kurucusu ve üst yöneticisi (CEO) Pavel Durov’un Azerbaycan’dan özel jetle geldiği Fransa’da havalimanında gözaltına alındı. Paris Savcılığı tarafından Pavel Durov’un davasıyla ilgili 26 Ağustos Pazartesi günü basına bir açıklama yapılacağı bildirildi. Fransa’daki Rus Büyükelçiliği yaptığı açıklamada Durov’un haklarını aramak ve konsolosluk erişimini sağlamak niyetinde olduklarını ancak “Fransız […]
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The Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem is a famous puzzle in mathematics that originated in the 18th century. The city of Königsberg (now known as Kaliningrad, Russia) was situated on the Pregel River and included two large islands connected and the mainland by seven bridges. The challenge was to find […]
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January 2022 The RGD industry is facing challenges in New York City. The high costs of labor, discounts, promotions and waived fees make it difficult for companies to reduce unit costs and achieve a profit. Additionally, the crowded market with many similar companies offering similar products and services makes it […]
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The ghost kitchen industry has been growing in recent years. A virtual or dark ghost kitchen is a commercial kitchen used exclusively to prepare delivery-only meals. Ghost kitchens are designed to meet the increasing demand for delivery-only services. They have gained popularity as a way for restaurants to expand their […]
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Getir is a Turkish technology company that provides on-demand delivery services. The company was founded in 2015 and has since expanded to operate in several countries worldwide, including Turkey, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Getir offers a mobile app that allows users to order various products, including […]
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HELSINKI, Oct 28 (Reuters) Finland and Sweden will join NATO at the same time, their prime ministers said on Friday, presenting a united front to Turkey which has raised questions about both their applications. The Nordic neighbors asked to join the alliance in May in response to Russia’s invasion of […]
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Apple has stopped selling all of its products in Russia due to the invasion of Ukraine, the company announced Tuesday. The company said in a statement that it is “deeply concerned” about the Russian invasion and that in response, it has “paused all product sales” in the country. Apple also […]
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