Mastering Leadership: The Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Great leaders tend to follow principles that guide how they work, organize their thoughts and plans, and lead their teams. Call it a platform, a policy, or a belief system, but most leaders have a foundational awareness of what they need to perform at their best.
Principle Number | Principle Description |
1 | Get a Wide Variety of Experiences: Great leaders are versatile and understand the roles of everyone on the team. Diversifying your skill set throughout your career is essential. |
2 | Have a Thirst for Knowledge: Successful leaders are always eager to learn and understand that they can gain knowledge from others around them. |
3 | Work Flat: Eliminate corporate hierarchy wherever possible. Establish a culture where any employee can approach others with ideas or concerns. |
4 | Be Globally Aware: In today’s world, all businesses are global. Leaders must be aware of global concerns and issues to understand their employees, customers, and peers. |
5 | Have a Life Outside of Work: Leaders should demonstrate a balance between work and personal life and encourage their employees to do the same. This leads to less stress, a lower risk of burnout, and increased motivation. |
6 | Always Focus on Customers: Customers should always be the top priority. Every decision and action should be made in the customer’s best interest. |
7 | Be Globally Aware: In today’s world, all businesses are global. Leaders must know global concerns and issues to understand their employees, customers, and peers. |
The article emphasizes the importance of these principles in guiding mature leadership and ensuring the success and well-being of both leaders and their teams.
The article is “Seven Guiding Principles Of Mature Leadership.”