

Mastering Leadership: The Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Mastering Leadership: The Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Great leaders tend to follow principles that guide how they work, organize their thoughts and plans, and lead their teams. Call it a platform, a policy, or a belief system, but most leaders have a foundational awareness of what they need to perform at their best.

Principle NumberPrinciple Description
1Get a Wide Variety of Experiences: Great leaders are versatile and understand the roles of everyone on the team. Diversifying your skill set throughout your career is essential.
2Have a Thirst for Knowledge: Successful leaders are always eager to learn and understand that they can gain knowledge from others around them.
3Work Flat: Eliminate corporate hierarchy wherever possible. Establish a culture where any employee can approach others with ideas or concerns.
4Be Globally Aware: In today’s world, all businesses are global. Leaders must be aware of global concerns and issues to understand their employees, customers, and peers.
5Have a Life Outside of Work: Leaders should demonstrate a balance between work and personal life and encourage their employees to do the same. This leads to less stress, a lower risk of burnout, and increased motivation.
6Always Focus on Customers: Customers should always be the top priority. Every decision and action should be made in the customer’s best interest.
7Be Globally Aware: In today’s world, all businesses are global. Leaders must know global concerns and issues to understand their employees, customers, and peers.

The article emphasizes the importance of these principles in guiding mature leadership and ensuring the success and well-being of both leaders and their teams.

The article is “Seven Guiding Principles Of Mature Leadership.”