
(02) Software, Yazılım

It is all about software applications and software development.

What is AWS IoT?

What is AWS IoT?

Although things, the Internet, and connectivity are the three core components of IoT, the value is in closing the gap between the physical and digital world in self-reinforcing and self-improving systems. Learn more at – If you knew the state of everything in the world and could reason on […]

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Understanding How Java Class Path Settings Works


The Java Class Path, often referred to as the “classpath,” is a parameter in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that specifies the location of user-defined classes and packages. It is essentially a way to tell the JVM where to look for user-defined types and […]

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The ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE a clause in MySQL updates the existing record if a duplicate critical violation occurs when inserting a new record. This is particularly useful when you want to insert a new record. Still, if a form with the same key already exists, you want to update […]

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top 10 important programming languages to learn

top 10 important programming languages to learn

Top essential programming languages to learn. Here’s the text reformatted as a table: Programming Language Description Python Python is a versatile programming language that is widely used in a variety of fields, including web development, machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence. JavaScript JavaScript is one of the most popular […]

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AWS Timestream: Unleashing the Power of Time-Series Data Management

AWS Timestream: Unleashing the Power of Time-Series Data Management

In the era of big data and real-time analytics, managing and analyzing time-series data efficiently is crucial for organizations to derive valuable insights and make data-driven decisions. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Timestream is a purpose-built, fully managed time-series database service that empowers businesses to easily store, query, and analyze time-stamped […]

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Enhancing Ghost Kitchen Efficiency with AWS Application Composer

Enhancing Ghost Kitchen Efficiency with AWS Application Composer

Innovation is the key to success in the rapidly evolving ghost kitchen industry. One must constantly seek cutting-edge solutions to streamline operations and drive customer satisfaction. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Application Composer emerges as a game-changing platform, empowering ghost kitchens to orchestrate their applications seamlessly and efficiently. We will delve […]

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Yazılım Test Uygulamaları

Yazılım Test Uygulamaları

Bu Workshop Trakya Üniversitesi Bilgisayar ve İnovasyon Topluluğu ile Testinium firması tarafından düzenlenmiştir. Yazılım Testi Nedir? Yazılım testi (software testing), test altında hizmetlerin veya ürünlerin kalitesi hakkında paydaşlara bilgi sağlamak için yürütülen bir araştırmadır. Yazılım testi aynı zamanda, yazılım uygulamalarının risklerini anlamak için yazılımı bağımsız ve nesnel olarak incelemektir. Test […]

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