

MacOS ta Koplayalama Diyaloğu Kayboldu

MacOS ta Koplayalama Diyaloğu Kayboldu

MacOS üzerinde kopyalama işlemlerinde kopyalama dialogu (copy window, ilerleme çubuğu) görünür.  Bunun görünmemesi küçük ama sinir bozucu bir sorundur.  Forumlardan incelediğim kadarıyla oluşan bazı hatalarda dialog kayboluyor.  Benim bulabildiğim çözüm önerilerini listeledim. Adım Öneri Açıklama 1 Finder ‘ı yeniden başlatınız.  Apple logosu ,  force quit, Finder seçin ve Relaunch seçiniz.  […]

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The Rise and Risks of Ghost Kitchens in Europe’s Culinary Landscape

The Rise and Risks of Ghost Kitchens in Europe's Culinary Landscape

The concept of “Ghost Kitchens” has been gaining traction in Europe, with cities like Warsaw hosting companies such as CookCity, Cookout, and Ghost Burger. These kitchens, which operate solely through online delivery apps like Deliveroo and Uber Eats, have no physical customer-facing storefronts and are often situated in industrial areas. […]

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Berlin 1945-Temmuz


Almanya’ nın teslim olmasından sonra Berlin’ de çekilmiş bir belgeselin giriş bölümü That’s how it looked like just after the German surrender! Fascinating moving pictures in color show the situation of the city in summer 1945 and daily life in the ruins. —– Watch here the preview of the brand […]

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Scaling Agile: The Small-is-Beautiful of Hubs

Scaling Agile: The Small-is-Beautiful of Hubs

Scaling agile is all the rage these days and especially popular with laggard adopters who want to broaden their management span of control. Most Scaling frameworks are just classical military hierarchies suitable for command and control. In a suitably arranged organization of 625 people, the average number of communication hops […]

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