
Data Science

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that involves the extraction of insights and knowledge from structured and unstructured data using various scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems, combining expertise from statistics, mathematics, computer science, and domain-specific knowledge to inform decision-making and solve complex problems.

Data Breach Alert: 2.6 Million Duolingo Users’ Information Leaked on Hacking Forum

Data Breach Alert: 2.6 Million Duolingo Users' Information Leaked on Hacking Forum

The article from BleepingComputer reports a significant data breach involving the scraped data of 2.6 million Duolingo users, which was leaked on a hacking forum. This breach poses a risk of targeted phishing attacks using the exposed information. Key Points of the Duolingo Data Breach The Duolingo data breach highlights […]

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5 Machine Learning Algorithms Commonly Used in Python

5 Machine Learning Algorithms Commonly Used in Python

Machine learning algorithms are pivotal in extracting knowledge from data and generating predictions. Python, a popular programming language, offers various widely used learning algorithms that address multiple challenges. These algorithms extract patterns and correlations from data, enabling computers to reason and predict future outcomes. Here’s a summary of five renowned […]

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Kanıtım Var, Kıskanırım!

Kanıtım Var, Kıskanırım!

1922’de Freud normal kıskançlığın bile mantık dışı bir olay sayılması gerektiğini, böyle bir duygunun bilinç denetimi altında olmadığı gibi, dış dünyanın herkesçe paylaşılan gerçekliği içinde yaşanan durumlarla orantısız olduğu görüşünü dile getirmişti. Pekçok araştırmacı patolojik kıskançlığın başlangıcında erkeklerde ereksiyonla ilgili güçlükler, kadınlarda ise bir cinsel işlev bozukluğun yattığına inanmaktadırlar. Kişinin […]

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Unlocking the Power of MySQL: How Window Functions Revolutionize Data Analysis!

Unlocking the Power of MySQL: How Window Functions Revolutionize Data Analysis!

A window function in MySQL is a type of function that performs a calculation across a set of related rows without grouping or aggregating the data. Window functions are also known as analytic functions or ranking functions. Window functions are different from regular aggregate functions, such as SUM(), AVG(), MAX(), […]

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Python’s Pandas vs Polars: Who Is Better?

Python’s Pandas vs Polars: Who Is Better?

Both Pandas and Polars are valuable tools that serve different purposes. Pandas is a data manipulation and analysis library for Python, while Polars is a data visualization library specifically designed to work with Pandas data frames. Pandas is a powerful tool for working with and manipulating data in Python. It […]

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Supercharge Your MySQL Queries with the With Clause

Supercharge Your MySQL Queries with the With Clause

In MySQL, the WITH clause creates a temporary named result set known as a Common Table Expression (CTE). It allows you to define and reference a subquery in the main query. The syntax for using the WITH clause in MySQL is as follows: WITH cte_name AS (SELECT column1, column2, …FROM […]

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Graphs in Python: A Powerful Tool for Data Analysis

Graphs in Python: A Powerful Tool for Data Analysis

Graphs are robust data structures that can represent relationships between entities. In Python, many libraries can be used to construct and manipulate graphs. Constructing Graphs in Python The NetworkX Library The NetworkX library is a popular Python library for constructing and manipulating graphs. It provides many features, such as: Code […]

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TensorFlow 2.0 Complete Course – Python Neural Networks for Beginners Tutorial

Tensor Flow

Learn how to use TensorFlow 2.0 in this full tutorial course for beginners. This course is designed for Python programmers looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in machine learning and artificial intelligence.  Throughout the 8 modules in this course you will learn about fundamental concepts and methods in ML […]

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An Introduction To NoSQL Databases

An Introduction To NoSQL Databases

This is a beginners guide to NoSQL databases. We will talk about what they are, the advantages and disadvantages of NoSQL and relational databases and also the different types of NoSQL including document databases, column stores, key-value stores and graph databases NoSQL databases have grown significantly in popularity since their […]

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