We can use the SHOW EVENTS statement to list MySQL’s scheduled events by SQL. The syntax for the SHOW EVENTS statement is as follows: The schema_name parameter is optional. If you specify a schema name, the SHOW EVENTS statement will only list the scheduled events in that schema. The pattern […]
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We can create scheduled events by SQL on MySQL using the CREATE EVENT statement. The syntax for the CREATE EVENT statement is as follows: The event_name parameter is the name of the event. The schedule parameter specifies when the event will be executed. The event_body parameter is the SQL statement […]
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You can retrieve information about the columns in a MySQL view using the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database. To find the data types of the columns in your view, you can execute the following query: Replace your_database_name with the name of your database, and your_view_name with the name of your view. This query […]
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MongoDB is one of the most used, open-source document database, and NoSQL database. MongoDB is developed by 10gen. It is written in c++ and it is a document-oriented database. It uses BSON format. This tutorial will provide you good understanding on MongoDB concepts and provide you the hands on skills […]
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