
Process optimization leadership

Stratejide Ustalaşmak, The Art Of Strategy

Stratejide Ustalaşmak, The Art Of Strategy

“The Art of Strategy: Steps Towards Business Agility”, strateji kavramını derinlemesine ele alan bir eserdir. Kitap, Sun Tzu’nun “Savaş Sanatı” eserini modern iş dünyasına uyarlayarak, John Boyd’un OODA döngüsü ve Simon Wardley’nin Wardley Haritalama teknikleriyle bölüm, Sun Tzu’nun öğretilerini günümüz iş dünyasına adapte eder ve Boyd ile Wardley’nin perspektifleriyle […]

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High Output Management: A Playbook for Engineers Turned Leaders

High Output Management: A Playbook for Engineers Turned Leaders

Andrew S. Grove’s High Output Management is not your typical management manual. It combines the accuracy of engineering with the complexity of human leadership, according to the former CEO of Intel. Grove invites readers to think like engineers—not just in the realm of semiconductors, but in managing people, processes, and […]

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