
clean code

Clean code is easy to read, understand, and maintain. It is code that is well-organized, well-documented, and free of errors. Clean code is also code that is efficient and scalable.


Decoding Clean Code: The Art of Crafting Elegant Software

Decoding Clean Code: The Art of Crafting Elegant Software

Clean code is the hallmark of functional and elegant software, making it easy to read, understand, maintain, and test. In this insightful article by Klaus Haeuptle, the essence of clean code is distilled, emphasizing its importance for sustainable software development. Here’s a concise summary: The article is “Clean Code: Writing […]

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Clean Coders Hate What Happens To Your Code When You Use These Enterprise Programming Tricks

Clean Coders Hate What Happens To Your Code When You Use These Enterprise Programming Tricks

It is all too easy to dismiss problematic codebases on some nebulous idea of bad practice or bad programmers. Poor code, however, is rarely arbitrary and random in its structure or formulation. Systems of code, well or poorly structured, emerge from systems of practice, whether practical or ineffective. To improve […]

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JavaScript Best Clean Code Practices and Coding Conventions

JavaScript Best Clean Code Practices and Coding Conventions

This video examines some of the best practices and coding conventions for JavaScript. We’ll go through several rules to help you write clean code. People will perceive your work differently if you write clean JavaScript code. Coding conventions secure quality, improve code readability and make code maintenance easier. They can […]

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Evolving a Clean, Pragmatic Architecture – A Software Crafter’s Guide

Evolving a Clean, Pragmatic Architecture – A Software Crafter’s Guide

In the mood for a closing brainstorm? Let’s critically review the major decisions in a typical enterprise application architecture and learn to balance pragmatism with design goals. Find out how to do just-in-time design to keep as many use cases as simple as possible (KISS). We’ve all seen that without […]

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Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Test-Driven Development (TDD), and Clean Code

Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Test-Driven Development (TDD), and Clean Code

Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Test-Driven Development (TDD), and clean code are all software development practices that can be used to create high-quality, maintainable software. DDD, or Domain-Driven Design, is a software development approach focusing on understanding the problem domain thoroughly before designing and developing the software system. This approach emphasizes using […]

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Summary of ‘Clean Code’ by Uncle Bob

Summary of 'Clean code' by Uncle Bob

“Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship” is a book written by Robert C. Martin, also known as Uncle Bob. The book is a guide to writing clean, maintainable, and scalable code. It covers a wide range of topics, including design patterns, refactoring, testing, and coding style. In “Clean […]

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Learn SOLID Principles with CLEAN CODE Examples

Learn SOLID Principles with CLEAN CODE Examples

The SOLID principles are design principles that can help developers write maintainable and scalable code. The SOLID principles are: Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) – A class should have only one reason to change.Open-Closed Principle (OCP) – Software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification.Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) […]

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Clean Code Nedir?

Clean Code Nedir?

Clean code, iyi tasarımlı, okunabilir, anlaşılır ve mantıklı yapıda olan kodlara verilen isimdir. Clean code, kodun okunabilirliğini, anlaşılırlığını ve mantıklı yapısını arttırarak, kodun düzenlenmesi, değiştirilmesi ve bakımını kolaylaştırır. Clean code, genellikle aşağıdaki özelliklere sahip olur: Okunabilir: Clean code, kodun ne yaptığını anlamaya yardımcı olacak şekilde yazılır ve okunması kolay olur. […]

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The Common Closure Principle (CCP)

The Common Closure Principle (CCP)

The Common Closure Principle (CCP) is a software design principle related to the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). It suggests that classes within a component should be closed against the same kind of changes, meaning that a change that affects one course within the element should also affect all other classes […]

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