
(20) Software Craftsmanship, Yazılımda Ustalaşmak

Software Craftsmanship is a movement that advocates for the practice of software development as a craft. It emphasizes the importance of quality, craftsmanship, and professionalism in software development.

Unveiling the Distinctions: Software Craftsmanship vs Extreme Programming

Unveiling the Distinctions: Software Craftsmanship vs Extreme Programming

Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP) are Agile methodologies aiming to deliver working software iteratively and incrementally. However, there are some critical differences between the two. Scrum is a framework for managing and completing complex projects. It is based on the principles of transparency, inspection, and adaptation. Scrum teams work in […]

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Unlock the Power of Python Testing: A Beginner’s Guide to Unit Testing Strategies

Unlock the Power of Python Testing: A Beginner's Guide to Unit Testing Strategies

Introduction As a Python developer, one of the most important things you can do to improve your code quality and ensure its reliability is to write comprehensive tests. Unit testing is a popular approach to testing in Python development that involves testing small, isolated pieces of code, or “units.” In […]

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Onion Architecture with DDD and CQRS

Onion Architecture - Software Design Patterns Explained

Onion Architecture is a design approach that aims to create a separation of concerns within the layers of an application. It is called “onion” architecture because the design is layered, with the core domain logic at the center and the outer layers representing services and infrastructure. The layers of an […]

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Structural Design Patterns in Python: A Guide to Flexible and Reusable Code

Structural Design Patterns in Python: A Guide to Flexible and Reusable Code

Learn how to use Structural Design Patterns to create code that is easy to understand and maintain. Structural Design Patterns are a way to create code that is easy to understand and maintain. They provide a way to assemble objects into complex, easy-to-understand, and maintained structures. There are five main […]

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Creational Design Patterns in Python: A Guide to Reusable Object Creation

Creational Design Patterns in Python: A Guide to Reusable Object Creation

Learn how to use creational design patterns to create objects more flexibly and reusable. Creational design patterns are a way to create objects more flexibly and reusable. They provide a way to decouple the creation of objects from their use, which makes it easier to create and manage objects, and […]

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Design Patterns: A Guide to Reusable Software Solutions

Design Patterns: A Guide to Reusable Software Solutions

Learn how to use design patterns to write better, more maintainable code Design patterns are reusable solutions to common software design problems. They provide a shared vocabulary for discussing design problems and answers and can help you write better, more maintainable code. What are Design Patterns? A design pattern is […]

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Creating an Automated Pull Request Checklist on GitHub

Creating an Automated Pull Request Checklist on GitHub

You can use the GitHub Actions workflow to create an automated pull request checklist in GitHub. A workflow is a series of steps executed automatically when a specific event occurs, such as making a new pull request. Here are the steps on how to create an automated pull request checklist […]

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Behavioral Design Patterns in Python: A Guide to Flexible and Reusable Code

Behavioral Design Patterns in Python: A Guide to Flexible and Reusable Code

Learn how to use Behavioral Design Patterns to create code that is easy to understand and maintain. Behavioral Design Patterns are a way to create code that is easy to understand and maintain. They provide a way to define how objects interact with each other or how they should behave […]

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