
(20) Software Craftsmanship, Yazılımda Ustalaşmak

Software Craftsmanship is a movement that advocates for the practice of software development as a craft. It emphasizes the importance of quality, craftsmanship, and professionalism in software development.

isort: A Python Utility to Sort Imports

isort: A Python Utility to Sort Imports

isort Is a Python utility designed to sort imports alphabetically, automatically separating them into sections and by type. Developed under the PyCQA organization and hosted on GitHub, this tool provides a command-line utility, a Python library, and plugins for various editors to quickly and efficiently sort all your imports. The […]

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pyupgrade: A Modern Syntax Upgrader for Python

pyupgrade: A Modern Syntax Upgrader for Python

pyupgrade is a powerful tool designed to automatically upgrade Python syntax to take advantage of the features introduced in newer language versions. Developed by Anthony Sottile and hosted on GitHub, this tool can be integrated as a pre-commit hook, ensuring that your codebase remains modern and up-to-date with the latest […]

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The Ruff Formatter: An extremely fast, Black-compatible Python formatter

The Ruff Formatter: An extremely fast, Black-compatible Python formatter

The Ruff formatter is a Python formatter written in Rust, boasting speeds over 30x faster than Black and 100x faster than YAPF. This allows it to format large-scale Python projects in milliseconds while maintaining more than 99.9% compatibility with Black. The Ruff formatter is a part of the Ruff toolchain, […]

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The Three Amigos of DevOps: Crafting the Dream Team for Deployment Success

The Three Amigos of DevOps: Crafting the Dream Team for Deployment Success

In the realm of software development and deployment, collaboration is paramount. As organizations increasingly adopt DevOps practices to streamline software delivery and improve operational efficiency, the importance of effective teamwork comes to the fore. One collaborative approach that has gained traction is the “Three Amigos” strategy. But who are these […]

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How to Mitigate the Effects of Conway’s Law

How to Mitigate the Effects of Conway's Law

Agile Development, Software Craftsmanship, and Extreme Programming Conway’s Law states that “organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.” In other words, how people in an organization communicate with each other will influence how they design and develop software […]

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Patterns for API Design

Patterns for API Design

The website “Microservice API Patterns (MAP)” offers a comprehensive collection of patterns for API design, focusing on the challenges and solutions encountered when specifying, implementing, and maintaining message-based APIs. The primary emphasis of MAP is on message representations, which are the payloads exchanged during API calls. These payloads can vary […]

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Amazon’s Leadership Principles

Amazon Go

We use our Leadership Principles every day, whether we’re discussing ideas for new projects or deciding on the best approach to solving a problem. It is just one of the things that makes Amazon peculiar. Leadership Principle Description Customer Obsession Leaders embody a sense of ownership, thinking in the long […]

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The Double-Edged Sword of Automation in Software Development

The Double-Edged Sword of Automation in Software Development

Automation in software development promises efficiency and ease, but it’s not without its pitfalls. While the dream of fully automated development is becoming more tangible, there are instances where automation can lead to more problems than solutions. This article delves into six key areas where automation might not live up […]

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Sentry: The Guardian of Your Codebase

Sentry: The Guardian of Your Codebase

In the vast realm of software development, where the tiniest of bugs can lead to significant disruptions, having a reliable error-tracking system is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity. Enter Sentry is a real-time error-tracking tool gaining traction among developers for its efficiency and ease of use. In this blog […]

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5 Essential Python Data Structures Every Programmer Should Know

5 Essential Python Data Structures Every Programmer Should Know

Python offers a range of built-in data structures crucial for handling, organizing, and manipulating data. Mastering these structures is vital for solving practical coding challenges. Here are the five Python data structures that every programmer should be well-acquainted with: The original article is “5 Essential Python Data Structures Every Programmer […]

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