İngiltere’ de karantina tedbirleri perakende alışverişin daralmasına yol açıyor. Kasım sonuna kadar 7 bin kişinin işine son vereceğini duyuran İngiltere Marks and Spencer (M&S),94 yıl sonra ilk kez zarar açıkladı. Şirketin şubat – eylül dönemi finansal sonuçlarına göre 87,6 milyon sterlin zarar ettiği bildirildi. Şirket geçen sene aynı dönemde ise […]
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Retail giant Walmart has scrapped plans to use robots to keep track of its inventory. The world’s largest supermarket chain said it had ended its partnership with Bossa Nova Robotics, who made the roving robots. The machines scan shelves to ensure all items are in stock and prices are accurate. […]
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For overseas brands selling to China during the 11.11 Global Shopping Festival, the bonded warehouse operated by Alibaba’s logistics arm Cainiao is a crucial facility to transport products to minimize delivery times. Over 30 bonded warehouses across China will process overseas products and clear customs in seconds. Take a look […]
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Raspberry Pi has always been a PC company. Inspired by the home computers of the 1980s, our mission is to put affordable, high-performance, programmable computers into the hands of people all over the world. And inspired by these classic PCs, here is Raspberry Pi 400: a complete personal computer, built into […]
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Chrome Will Automatically Scan Your Passwords Against Data Breaches Google’s Password Checkup feature will be fully integrated into the desktop and mobile versions of Chrome 79. Google’s password checking feature has slowly been spreading across the Google ecosystem this past year. It started as the “Password Checkup” extension for desktop versions of Chrome, which […]
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Flutter için üretken bir geliştirici topluluğu var. Flutter öğrenirken kullandığım kaynakları paylaşıyorum. Başlangıç noktası Kurumsal site Türkçe ve derli toplu bir rehber Awesome Flutter Widget library Codelab başlangıcı Türkçe güzel bir kanal Codelab örnekler
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Emacs’ i kuru 🙂 haliyle kullanmanızı önermiyorum. Başlangıç olarak MELPA paket listesini kurabilirsiniz. MELPA’ ı kurmak için Emacs’ in TLS desteği sağlaması gerekiyor. Bildiğim kadarıyla yeni kurulumlarda otomatik olarak geliyor. Yaklaşık script aşağıdaki gibi olacaktır. Melpa’ nın sitesi Emacs Lsp sayfası
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Emacs is the ideal environment to work in any Lisp dialect. I am using Emacs with Flutter, Lisp, and Clojure. I found a great article to set up Emacs for Clojure. The full article is on the How to Use Emacs, an Excellent Clojure Editor at BraveClojure On your journey to […]
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The presentation by Rich Hickey at the Boston Lisp meeting. A fairly extensive introduction to Clojure, with a presumption of prior knowledge of Lisp. You can read the complete transcription from this link. and you may find many similar files on the Clojure* Cheatsheets
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GNU Emacs is a text editor that programmers and researchers widely use. It is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting editor available on various platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. Emacs is known for its powerful and flexible editing capabilities and its support for a wide range of programming languages and tools. […]
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