
özgür özkök

Homejoy Niçin Battı?


Paylaşım ekonomisi günümüzün gözde kavramlarından birisi oldu.  Klasik örnek, Türkiye ‘de yasaklanan Uber’dir.   Uber’in kendisine ait arabası ya da sürücüleri yok.  Sisteme girecek sürücü ve araçlar için uzun bir standartlar listesi sunuyor.  Bunu kabul eden sürücüler sisteme giriyor.  Uber kusursuz bir altyapı, çok hızlı operasyon ve sıcak bir müşteri […]

Devamını Oku

Machine Learning Tutorial

Machine Learning Tutorial

Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that involves using algorithms and statistical models to enable computers to perform tasks without being explicitly programmed to perform those tasks. It is essentially a method of training computers to learn from and make decisions based on data. Here is […]

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The Importance of Last-Mile Facilities in the Supply Chain

The Importance of Last-Mile Facilities in the Supply Chain

The last mile is the final leg of the journey for a product, from the fulfillment center to the customer’s door. It is often the most expensive and time-consuming part of the supply chain and the most critical. A well-run last-mile operation can ensure that products are delivered on time, […]

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Understanding How Java Class Path Settings Works


The Java Class Path, often referred to as the “classpath,” is a parameter in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that specifies the location of user-defined classes and packages. It is essentially a way to tell the JVM where to look for user-defined types and […]

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From Procrastination to Poor Social Skills: The 10 Habits That Could Be Holding You Back

From Procrastination to Poor Social Skills: The 10 Habits That Could Be Holding You Back

The article discusses ten everyday habits often found in individuals not meeting their success goals. These habits include procrastination, lack of discipline, taking on too many tasks simultaneously, poor time management, maintaining a negative mindset, blaming others for personal failures, fear of taking risks, focusing only on short-term goals, lack […]

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Ghost Kitchens vs. Virtual Kitchens: Navigating the Digital Culinary Landscape

Ghost Kitchens vs. Virtual Kitchens: Navigating the Digital Culinary Landscape

While ghost and virtual kitchens cater to the digital food delivery market, they operate on distinct business models. Ghost kitchens are exclusively designed for off-premises consumption, devoid of traditional restaurant elements like dining tables or front-of-house staff. Their primary focus is cooking for online food delivery apps, potentially housing multiple […]

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AI’s Impact on Work and Productivity

AI's Impact on Work and Productivity

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked debates about its potential to replace human jobs. While some studies predict massive job displacements due to AI, others foresee a significant boost to the global economy. Bhaskar Chakravorti, in his article, delves into the complexities of AI’s impact on work, drawing […]

Devamını Oku

TinyML: Machine Learning with TensorFlow Lite on Arduino and Ultra-Low-Power Microcontrollers


TinyML: Machine Learning with TensorFlow Lite on Arduino and Ultra-Low-Power Microcontrollers  Neural networks are getting smaller. Much smaller. The OK Google team, for example, has run machine learning models that are just 14 kilobytes in size—small enough to work on the digital signal processor in an Android phone. With this […]

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The Rapid Evolution Of Food Delivery

The Rapid Evolution Of Food Delivery

Online food delivery returned in 1982 when John Sylvan and Thomas Fernandez thought of SmartFood: a frozen burrito that could be cooked and eaten at home. Preparing food and having it delivered isn’t new; as a matter of fact, it’s been around for quite a while. Some might believe that […]

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