
özgür özkök

Getir’s Global Downsizing: 2,500 Jobs on the Chopping Block

Getir's Global Downsizing: 2,500 Jobs on the Chopping Block

In a significant restructuring move, Getir has announced its decision to lay off over 10% of its global workforce, translating to 2,500 jobs. This decision comes after diminishing demand in the rapid grocery delivery sector post-pandemic. Having acquired its competitor, Gorillas, in a £1.2bn deal the previous year, Getir currently […]

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Leadership Shuffle at Getir: UK Boss Chris Chaaya Departs

Leadership Shuffle at Getir: UK Boss Chris Chaaya Departs

Amidst a turbulent period for the rapid grocery delivery company Getir, Chris Chaaya, the UK boss, has exited. Before his tenure at Getir, Chaaya held the position of UK boss at Gorillas, which was acquired by Getir in a £1bn deal last year. Since the acquisition in January 2023, Chaaya […]

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Getir’s Strategic Retreat: Exiting Spain, Italy, and Portugal

Getir's Strategic Retreat: Exiting Spain, Italy, and Portugal

Getir, the ultrafast grocery delivery platform, has decided to pull out of Spain, Italy, and Portugal. This strategic move aims to concentrate the company’s financial resources on markets that present more robust opportunities for operational profitability and sustainable growth. This decision follows reports by the Spanish trade union CCOO in […]

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Deliveroo’s Dance with Groceries: A Convenience Revolution

Deliveroo's Dance with Groceries: A Convenience Revolution

From its inception as a vision by Will Shu to bridge the gap between premium restaurants and consumers, Deliveroo has transformed into a global phenomenon. Initially focused on providing fast, reliable delivery from top-tier restaurants, the platform has expanded its horizons by venturing into the grocery sector. This move was […]

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Deliveroo will allow customers to order groceries with takeaway orders.

Deliveroo will allow customers to order groceries with takeaway orders.

Deliveroo is introducing a feature enabling customers to add grocery items to their takeaway orders from Deliveroo’s rapid grocery ‘HOP’ sites. After a successful trial in London, this feature will be available nationwide by year-end and accessible at retail partners like Co-op, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, and Morrisons. This initiative was developed […]

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AWS CDK: Transforming Cloud Development with Ease

AWS CDK: Transforming Cloud Development with Ease

In today’s fast-paced world of cloud development, efficiency, scalability, and ease of deployment are paramount. The AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) has emerged as a game-changing solution, revolutionizing cloud infrastructure management and application deployment. Amazon Web Services introduced the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) in July 2018. It aimed to […]

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SSL Nedir?

SSL Nedir?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) bir güvenlik protokolüdür ve internet üzerinde veri iletimini şifreleyerek güvenli hale getirir. SSL, web tarama ve e-posta gibi internet üzerinden veri iletimi yapılan uygulamalar için kullanılır ve verilerin güvenli bir şekilde iletimini sağlar. SSL, bir sunucu ve bir istemci arasında bir bağlantı kurulurken kullanılır ve bu […]

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MQTT Nedir?

MQTT Nedir?

MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) bir iletişim protokolüdür ve hafif bir mesajlaşma protokolü olarak tasarlandı. Bu protokol, küçük cihazlar ve sensörler gibi az güç tüketen cihazlar arasında veri iletimi için tasarlanmıştır. MQTT protokolü, bir mesaj yayıncısı (publisher) ve bir veya daha fazla mesaj abonesi (subscriber) arasında haberleşmeyi sağlar. Mesaj yayıncısı, […]

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NodeJS Nedir?

NodeJS Nedir?

Node.js, JavaScript dilini server-side (sunucu tarafı) uygulamaları yazmak için kullanılan bir açık kaynak platformdur. Node.js, bir web sunucusu olarak çalışan bir JavaScript çekirdeğine sahiptir ve bu sayede web tarama, API (Application Programming Interface) hizmetleri, veritabanı erişimi gibi birçok farklı görev için kullanılabilir. Node.js, genellikle aşağıdaki alanlarda kullanılır: Web sunucuları ve […]

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