
(02) Software, Yazılım

It is all about software applications and software development.

MySQLdb._exceptions.IntegrityError in Superset

MySQLdb._exceptions.IntegrityError in Superset

When you encounter a MySQLdb._exceptions.IntegrityError in Apache Superset, it typically means that an operation within Superset tries to write to the MySQL database but violates a database integrity constraint. This could happen during various operations, such as adding or modifying a dataset, dashboard, or user, among other things. Here’s how […]

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MySQLdb._exceptions.IntegrityError in a Python SQL Alchemy Environment

MySQLdb._exceptions.IntegrityError in a Python SQL Alchemy Environment

The MySQLdb._exceptions.IntegrityError using SQLAlchemy with a MySQL database indicates that an operation has violated some of the database’s integrity constraints. Here’s how you can approach resolving this issue: Remember to disable this in a production environment, as it can log sensitive information. By following these steps, you should be able […]

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GitHub – psf/black: The Uncompromising Python Code Formatter

GitHub - psf/black: The Uncompromising Python Code Formatter

Black, often called “The Uncompromising Code Formatter,” is a Python code formatter developed under the Python Software Foundation (PSF). Its primary objective is to automatically format Python code to ensure it adheres to a consistent style, making it appear like a human wrote it. Here are some key points: For […]

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Introducing GPTs

Introducing GPTs

OpenAI has announced the rollout of customizable versions of ChatGPT, known as GPTs, which allow users to create a tailored version of ChatGPT for specific purposes. These GPTs can be used for various tasks, such as learning board game rules, teaching math, or designing stickers. The creation process is designed […]

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GitHub – google/yapf: A formatter for Python files

GitHub - google/yapf: A formatter for Python files

YAPF (Yet Another Python Formatter) is a Python code formatter developed by Google. It’s designed to automatically format Python code to conform to a specified style guide. The primary goal of YAPF is to produce code that looks as if a human wrote it while strictly adhering to the style […]

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Flake8: The Comprehensive Python Linter

Flake8: The Comprehensive Python Linter

Flake8 It is a Python tool that seamlessly integrates. pycodestyle, pyflakes, mccabe, and third-party plugins to scrutinize the style and quality of Python code. Hosted under the PyCQA organization on GitHub, Flake8 offers a unified command-line interface to run all these tools, presenting their warnings in a consolidated, per-file output. […]

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Python and CSV Files: A Powerful Combination

Python and CSV Files: A Powerful Combination

CSV files are a popular format for storing data. They are easy to read and write and can store various data. Python provides many libraries for processing CSV files, which makes it easy to read, write, and manipulate CSV data. Popular Python Libraries for CSV Files There are many popular […]

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isort: A Python Utility to Sort Imports

isort: A Python Utility to Sort Imports

isort Is a Python utility designed to sort imports alphabetically, automatically separating them into sections and by type. Developed under the PyCQA organization and hosted on GitHub, this tool provides a command-line utility, a Python library, and plugins for various editors to quickly and efficiently sort all your imports. The […]

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pyupgrade: A Modern Syntax Upgrader for Python

pyupgrade: A Modern Syntax Upgrader for Python

pyupgrade is a powerful tool designed to automatically upgrade Python syntax to take advantage of the features introduced in newer language versions. Developed by Anthony Sottile and hosted on GitHub, this tool can be integrated as a pre-commit hook, ensuring that your codebase remains modern and up-to-date with the latest […]

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Material-UI React UI framework

Material-UI React UI framework

Material-UI is a popular React UI framework that implements Google’s Material Design guidelines. It provides a comprehensive set of React components that make it easy for developers to create consistent and attractive user interfaces in line with the Material Design principles. Key Features of Material-UI: Usage Example:To create a button […]

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