

Brito Cloud Kitchens LLC – Egypt owns and operates a series of smartly distributed, entirely operated Cloud Kitchens all over Egypt, helping international brands expand their presence and delivery to the Egyptian market in no time and with minimum investment.

2024 Erdal Öz Edebiyat Ödülü Necati Tosuner’in

2024 Erdal Öz Edebiyat Ödülü Necati Tosuner’in

2008 yılından bu yana düzenlenen Erdal Öz Edebiyat Ödülü, bu yıl Necati Tosuner’e verildi.  15 Eylül Pazar günü toplanan seçici kurul, usta yazarı şu gerekçeyle ödüle değer gördü:  İlk öykü kitabı Özgürlük Masalı’ndan bu yana 60 yıldır, edebiyatın farklı türlerindeki yapıtlarında, toplumsal hayatın açık ve saklı baskıları karşısında bireyin yaşadığı […]

Devamını Oku

Ghost Kitchens vs. Virtual Kitchens: Navigating the Digital Culinary Landscape

Ghost Kitchens vs. Virtual Kitchens: Navigating the Digital Culinary Landscape

While ghost and virtual kitchens cater to the digital food delivery market, they operate on distinct business models. Ghost kitchens are exclusively designed for off-premises consumption, devoid of traditional restaurant elements like dining tables or front-of-house staff. Their primary focus is cooking for online food delivery apps, potentially housing multiple […]

Devamını Oku

Egypt’s new cloud kitchen Brito wants to replicate Kitopi model

Egypt’s new cloud kitchen Brito wants to replicate Kitopi model

Egyptian start-up Brito has raised $1.25m in pre-seed funding from a Central Bank of Egypt initiative and angel investors to establish itself as a standout player in the country’s emerging cloud kitchen market. Brito, founded in February by CEO Rania Reda and Mo’nes Sadeq, differs from most of the eight […]

Devamını Oku