MacOS üzerinde kopyalama işlemlerinde kopyalama dialogu (copy window, ilerleme çubuğu) görünür. Bunun görünmemesi küçük ama sinir bozucu bir sorundur. Forumlardan incelediğim kadarıyla oluşan bazı hatalarda dialog kayboluyor. Benim bulabildiğim çözüm önerilerini listeledim. Adım Öneri Açıklama 1 Finder ‘ı yeniden başlatınız. Apple logosu , force quit, Finder seçin ve Relaunch seçiniz. […]
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Getir, the Turkish instant grocery delivery startup, has acquired FreshDirect, a New York-based online grocery delivery service, to expand its presence in the U.S. market and further establish itself as a consolidator in the grocery delivery sector. The terms of the deal have not been disclosed, but it is known […]
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TLDR stands for “Too Long; Didn’t Read.” It is a common internet acronym used to summarize lengthy content. When someone uses TLDR, they often provide a concise summary or the main point of a long article, post, or message, essentially offering a quick and easy-to-understand version of the content. It’s […]
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