Do you often feel overwhelmed by your endless to-do list? Do you struggle to focus on your most important tasks and goals? Do you wish you had more control over your time and energy? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might benefit from a productivity technique […]
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Every software engineer cherishes the moment they hit the merge button, propelling their code into production. But before that sweet moment, there’s the crucial step of gaining approvals on pull requests. Let’s dive into the art of crafting impeccable pull requests. The Essence of Pull Requests: Telling a Story Pull […]
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This Puppet tutorial will help you understand what Puppet is, why we need Puppet, the components of Puppet, working with Puppet, and companies adopting Puppet along with Puppet manifest. Puppet is a configuration management tool. A configuration management tool is a tool that runs in client mode or client-server mode […]
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DoorDash needed a way to predict demand for food deliveries. DoorDash is a food delivery company that operates in over 4,000 cities across the United States. The company faces the challenge of predicting demand for food deliveries. This is a difficult task, as the order can vary depending on many […]
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2021 Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü, dün Afrika kıtasının doğusunda Tanzanya’ya bağlı Zanzibar’da doğan, romancı Abdulrazak Gurnah’ a verildi. Türkiye ‘de ise sosyal medya Borçka Belediyesinin paylaşımları daha fazla ilgi gördü. Borçka Belediyesi kutlama mesajında ünlü oyuncu Morgan Freeman’ ın fotoğrafını kullandı. Buraya kadar aslında normal olmasa da, rastlayabildiğimiz bir hata idi. […]
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Japan is preparing to issue digital currency in both the public and private sectors following swift moves by China and other countries to do the same. Virtual money issued by central banks worldwide is called “central bank digital currency” or CBDC and is used for cashless payments via smartphones or […]
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Komut satırından çalışan basit ve hafif bir text editörü olarak nano’ yu öneriyorum. vi kullanmak zorunda değiliz
vim ya da emacs gibi editörler daha büyük uygulamalardır. Öncelikle nano kullandığınız distro’ da yoksa “apt-get install nano” ile yüklemeniz gerekiyor. Bu install işi hata veriyorsa, package update ‘i yüklemek gerekecektir. “apt-get […]
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