
(03) Teknoloji, Technology

Technology is the application of knowledge for practical purposes. It includes using tools, machines, and materials to solve problems and extend human capabilities. Technology has been around for centuries but has advanced rapidly in recent years due to advances in science and engineering.

Check the OS version in Linux.

Check OS version in Linux

Linux is a free and open source operating system. There are many variants of Linux out there. They are typically called Linux distribution. Suse, OpenSUSE, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Arch, Fedora, RHEL all are common Linux distribution names. Knowing your os version and name can be very useful for security patches. […]

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The World Runs on OpenStack

The World Runs on OpenStack

17 Ekim 2017 Wyndham Grand Levent Hotel’de “The World Runs on OpenStack”mottosuyla 3.sü gerçekleşen “OpenStack Days Turkey” etkinliği bu yıl da yoğun katılımcıyla gerçekleşti. OpenStack, ilk olarak 2010 yılında Amerikan Ulusal Uzay Ajansı (NASA) tarafından sağlanan hesaplama bileşeni Nova ve bulut servis sağlayıcısı Rackspace tarafından sağlanan depolama bileşeni Swift’in birleşmesi  […]

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Blockchain Simply Explained


How does blockchain work? It works with Blocks, where a spreadsheet works with “rows” and “columns.” A block in a blockchain is a collection of data. Blockchain is a distributed ledger, which means that a ledger is spread across the network among all peers in the network, and each peer holds a copy of the complete ledger.

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Asymmetric encryption – Explained.


How does public-key cryptography work? What is a private key and a public key? Why is asymmetric encryption different from symmetric encryption? Asymmetric encryption, also known as public-key cryptography, is a cryptographic system that uses a pair of related keys: public and private. The public key can encrypt data, but […]

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Introduction to Microservices, Docker, and Kubernetes

Introduction to Microservices, Docker, and Kubernetes

Docker is an open source platform that’s used to build, ship and run distributed services. Kubernetes is an open source orchestration platform for automating deployment, scaling and the operations of application containers across clusters of hosts. Microservices structure an application into several modular services Learn the basics of Microservices, Docker, and Kubernetes. Code demo starts […]

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Encryption and decryption with OpenSSL

Encryption and decryption with OpenSSL

This tutorial shows how to use OpenSSL in Linux systems (Kali in the video) for symmetric and asymmetric encryption and decryption. OpenSSL is a free and open-source toolkit that provides a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured toolkit for general-purpose cryptography and secure communication. Internet servers, including most HTTPS websites, widely use it. […]

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Steve Jobs’s Motivational Speech

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs’ motivational speech at the Stanford graduation ceremony. This entrepreneur motivation speech is an inspirational video for all aspiring startup owners. In this video, Steve Jobs speaks about the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. Despite losing his job, he established two more successful companies – Next and Pixar. At […]

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Smart Cities: Solving Urban Problems Using Technology

Smart Cities: Solving Urban Problems Using Technology

A Smart City is a designation given to a city that incorporates information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance the quality and performance of urban services such as energy, transportation, and utilities to reduce resource consumption, wastage, and overall costs. Smart cities are rising to meet the challenges of rapid urban development In the […]

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REST vs. SOAP – What is the difference?

REST vs. SOAP - What is the difference?

REST API has no official standard because it is an architectural style. SOAP API, on the other hand, has an official standard because it is a protocol. REST APIs use multiple standards like HTTP, JSON, URL, and XML, while SOAP APIs are primarily based on HTTP and XML. REST allows more data formats, whereas SOAP only allows XML. Coupled with […]

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What is Web service? What is API? What is REST API? How REST works Implementation of REST API A web service is a software system that supports interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. It has an interface described in a machine-processable format (specifically WSDL). Other systems interact with the web […]

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