
özgür özkök

Swagger: Empowering Developers with Interactive API Documentation

Swagger allows you to describe the structure of your APIs so that machines can read them. The ability of APIs to express their design is the root of all awesomeness. Why is it so great? We can automatically build beautiful and interactive API documentation by reading your API’s structure. We […]

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Scaling Push Messaging for Millions of Netflix Devices


Netflix built Zuul Push, a massively scalable push messaging service that handles millions of always-on, persistent connections to proactively push time-sensitive data, like personalized movie recommendations, from the AWS Cloud to devices. This helped reduce Netflix’s notification latency and the Amazon EC2 footprint by eliminating wasteful polling requests. It also […]

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DevOps Tutorial


This DevOps tutorial video will help you understand what is DevOps, how DevOps came to being, stages and tools of DevOps and implementation of DevOps. DevOps is a software engineering culture that unifies the development and operations team, under an umbrella of tools to automate every stage. The DevOps approach […]

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IOT Ignite Book

IoT , Özgür Özkök

IoT-Ignite® is an open IoT platform. Companies of any size can utilize IoT-Ignite to design, develop and deploy their own IoT services and rapidly start monetization. Today, IoT-Ignite enables services for a wide range of vertical market segments including retail, mobile services, agriculture, education, and energy. The opportunities to extend […]

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Guido van Rossum: Python | Artificial Intelligence

Guido van Rossum: Python | Artificial Intelligence

Guido van Rossum: Python | Artificial Intelligence (AI) Podcast Guido van Rossum is the creator of Python, one of the world’s most popular and impactful programming languages. This conversation is part of the Artificial Intelligence podcast and the MIT course 6.S099: Artificial General Intelligence. The discussion and lectures are free […]

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3 Kasım 2002 seçimleri: Erdoğan, Gül ve Derviş BBC’de

Arşivimde durması için 2002 seçimleri öncesini anlatan bir BBC programını paylaşıyorum. Seçimler ağır bir ekonomik ve siyasi krizin etkisinde yapıldı. Yayına hazırlayan: Mahmut Hamsici BBC Arşivlerinde Türkiye programında bu hafta, BBC’nin Türkiye’de Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi iktidarı dönemini başlatan 3 Kasım 2002 seçimlerini ele aldığı TV haber paketi var. Pakette, […]

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Full Libido

Melek Mosso

kaç gündür gelcem dedin gelmedin çok içsem de kimseye vermedim ısrar ettim, şansımı zorladım sabaha kadar ağladım, duymadın bana hödö hödö yapma, çocuk mu var karşında sev beni daha ne diyim, söz hiç karışmam sana ben boşa trip atmam ama hormonlarım coştu şu sıralar full libido odamı temizledim süsüm püsüm […]

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