
özgür özkök

Sattas – Şarkı Söylemek Lazım (Sezen Aksu Cover)

Sattas - Şarkı Söylemek Lazım (Sezen Aksu Cover)

Şarkı Söylemek Lazım Hayat zorlaşıncaÇıkmaz sokaklarda soluksuz kalıncaAzalınca manadanSeyyar sevdalarda parçalanıncaDil yetmeyinceGöz görmeyinceGönül hissetmeyinceKırılınca camdan kalpDönüp yalnızlığa kitlenince O zaman şarkı söylemek lazımAvaz avazO zaman şarkı söylemeliÇığlık çığlığaO zaman yüreğin yükü hafiflerBelki birazO zaman şarkı söylemek lazımAvaz avazDert bitmeyince Bildiğin çektiğine yetmeyinceDüşmanında kendini yakalayıncaBir daha kin gütmeyince Söz & Müzik: […]

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A Guide to AWS CodePipeline

A Guide to AWS CodePipeline

As technology advances unprecedentedly, software delivery becomes more complex and challenging. In response, Amazon Web Services (AWS) developed CodePipeline, a powerful and fully managed continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service. In this article, we will delve into the history, features, benefits, drawbacks, and alternatives of AWS CodePipeline. We will […]

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Fostering a Microservices Culture

Fostering a Microservices Culture

In this video, Mike Amundsen of the API Academy applies theories from computing and anthropology to define the right organizational approach to Microservices. Fostering a microservices culture within an organization involves promoting the principles and practices of designing and building software as a collection of small, independently-deployable services. This includes […]

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Unboxing the Future: Amazon’s Bold Move

Unboxing the Future: Amazon's Bold Move

The New Delivery Norm Imagine this: You order a brand-new television from Amazon, eagerly awaiting its arrival. The day comes, and it is, sitting right at your doorstep. But wait, something’s different. The television isn’t wrapped in layers of bubble wrap or encased in a secondary box. Instead, it’s just […]

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Kitchens Beyond the Conventional: Dowen Farmer’s Portal Way Vision

Kitchens Beyond the Conventional: Dowen Farmer's Portal Way Vision

A Glimpse into the Future In the bustling heart of West London, a revolutionary concept is taking shape. Dowen Farmer Architects, a British architectural studio, unveils its plans for Portal Road, a multi-storey ghost-kitchen tower. Picture this: a building reminiscent of the “Ministry of Magic,” shuttling food to a vibrant […]

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What Is Bard Python Library?

What Is Bard Python Library?

Bard is a significant language model (LLM) from Google AI, trained on a massive dataset of text and code. It can generate text, translate languages, write creative content, and answer your questions informally. Bard is still under development, but it has learned to perform many kinds of tasks, including: Bard […]

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Securing Your Cloud Data with AWS Key Management Service (KMS)

Securing Your Cloud Data with AWS Key Management Service (KMS)

In the digital age, data security is paramount. With the increasing adoption of cloud computing, safeguarding sensitive information has become a top business priority. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Key Management Service (KMS) offers a robust and secure solution to manage encryption keys in the AWS Cloud. In this article, we […]

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AWS S3: A Celestial Symphony of Infinite Storage

AWS S3: A Celestial Symphony of Infinite Storage

In the celestial symphony of cloud computing, AWS (Amazon Web Services) Simple Storage Service (S3) soars as a shining star, bestowing infinite storage possibilities upon the digital cosmos. Embark on a cosmic journey as we explore the history, license model, benefits, alternatives, and alluring reasons why the world succumbs to […]

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ElasticSearch From Bottom Up

ElasticSearch From Bottom Up

Elasticsearch is built on top of the Apache Lucene search library, and it inherits much of Lucene’s architecture. Here is a brief overview of the architecture of Elasticsearch and Lucene: Lucene Architecture: Lucene is a Java-based, open-source search library that provides full-text search capabilities. It is a low-level library that […]

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