Romantic Strolls and Tulip Bouquets
Istanbul’s tulips are a reminder to live colorfully 🌷
The Scrum Ceremonies Used by Agile Teams
Learn how the scrum ceremonies help agile teams plan, work, and communicate efficiently. Scrum is a framework software development teams use to collaborate, complete work quickly, and adapt to rapidly changing user requirements. The scrum team comprises various roles: developers, project managers, scrum masters, QA engineers, product owners, and technical managers. The key events or […]
Understanding Lean Agile and the 5 Lean Principles
Lean Agile is a development methodology combining Lean Manufacturing and Agile Development principles. Lean Agile eliminates waste and improves software development efficiency by delivering value to the customer and continuously refining processes. The origins of Lean-Agile stem from the principles of Lean Manufacturing, which was designed to improve profits by reducing costs by eliminating waste. […]
Trust-Building Activities That Remote Teams Can Use
Use these trust-building activities designed for remote teams to boost psychological safety and improve relationships on your team. Building trust between remote and globally distributed teams is critical for organizational success but has become increasingly difficult in the era of remote work. Managers and team leaders are turning to virtual team-building activities to promote team […]
What is sprint planning, and how do you facilitate it like a pro?
The scrum team will come together to decide the #sprintgoal and which items from the backlog will be included in the sprint backlog. It’s an event that helps the team determine what needs doing, why it needs doing, and how specifically they will complete the work. While the backlog items are essential, the team is […]
Liskov Substitution Principle, LSP
Temiz Kod (Clean Code) sanal sınıf eğitimi. Eğitmen: Akin Kaldiroglu
Selenium WebDriver ile Yazılım Test Otomasyonu
Selenium WebDriver ile Test Otomasyonu Kodu Yazma ve Çalıştırma, Otomasyon Testi Örnek Senaryosu Selenium WebDriver ile Java programlama dili kullanılarak örnek bir test senaryosu. Chrome browser driverı kullanarak bir web sitesine giriş test adımlarının otomasyonu.
Cem Adrian – Çığlık Çığlığa
Cem Adrian – Çığlık Çığlığa (Gökyüzümün Yıldızları) Çığlık Çığlığa Seni sevdiğimi anladığım günden beri Sesler değişti, renkler değişti Yüzümdeki çizgiler başkalaştı Geçmişim değişti, oyunlaştı Yeşilin ortasında gelincik gibi İnceleşti, yabancılaştı Siste bağıran vapur düdükleri gibi Geliyor muyuz, gidecek miyiz Yoksa Çığlık çığlığa Çığlık çığlığa Seni sevdiğimi anladığım günden beri Hiçlik değişti, yokluk değişti Karşılıksızlık dengeleşti […]