Game theory is the study of strategic decision-making in situations where the outcome depends on the actions of multiple individuals or groups. In queuing in a supermarket, game theory can be used to analyze how customers decide when and where to join a queue and how store managers can design the queuing system to optimize […]
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Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP) are Agile methodologies aiming to deliver working software iteratively and incrementally. However, there are some critical differences between the two. Scrum is a framework for managing and completing complex projects. It is based on the principles of transparency, inspection, and adaptation. Scrum teams work in sprints, which are usually 1-4 […]
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Marcio Coelho traded standing orders for, well, standing and giving orders. You can associate many things with bankers, be it a sharp pinstripe suit, watching Bloomberg while running on a treadmill, or just shouting “Sell!” into a phone for some reason I’ll never fully understand. One thing you probably wouldn’t associate with bankers, though, is […]
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Technical debt in agile development refers to the cost of maintaining and enhancing the software developed quickly or with insufficient attention to quality. Various factors, such as a lack of proper design, poor testing, or a lack of code refactoring, can cause it. As new features are added, technical debt increases over time and the […]
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Tasks in agile development are small, specific pieces of work required to complete a user story or deliver a particular feature. They are usually detailed and technical and often involve a specific action or procedure that needs to be performed. One person usually completes tasks in the team within a day. They differ from higher-level […]
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A User Story In agile development, a user story describes a specific feature or requirement from the end user’s perspective. It is a simple, natural language statement of a part, typically written in the format of “As a [user], I want [feature], so that [benefit].” User stories are used to define and prioritize a project’s […]
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KFC and Wing are collaborating to test the use of drones for food delivery in Queensland and Canberra, Australia. According to the CEO of Collins Foods, a KFC franchisor, the drone delivery service has the potential to reduce delivery times significantly. Wing, pioneering drone delivery in Australia, has already tested the delivery of other items […]
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What are the three pillars of Scrum? It is simple: transparency, inspection, and adaptation. What Is Scrum? Scrum is an agile methodology that is used for product design and development. It uses cross-functional teams to deliver products and services in short cycles, which enables fast feedback, continuous improvement, and rapid adaptation to change. Scrum breaks […]
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