
Vehicle Routing Problem in Python

Vehicle Routing Problem in Python

The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a classic optimization problem that arises in many different contexts, such as delivery, transportation, and logistics. In the VRP, we are given a set of customers that need to be served, a fleet of vehicles, and a set of constraints, such as the maximum capacity of each car and […]

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Unraveling the Mysteries of MySQL’s Scheduled Events

Unraveling the Mysteries of MySQL's Scheduled Events

A scheduled event on MySQL is a task that runs according to a schedule. It is a named database object containing one or more SQL statements to be executed regularly, beginning and ending at a specific date and time. Scheduled events are similar to cron jobs on Linux or task schedulers on Windows. They can […]

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How Remote Work Has Changed Professional Relationships

How Remote Work Has Changed Professional Relationships

The rise of remote work has led to new challenges and opportunities for building colleague relationships. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the way we work. One of the most significant changes has been the rise of remote work. According to a recent study by Buffer, the number of people working remotely […]

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Optimizing Google Maps APIs Usage

Optimizing Google Maps APIs Usage

Google Maps APIs are a powerful tool that can add location-based features to your applications. However, optimizing your usage of these APIs to ensure that you are getting the most out of them in terms of security, performance, and consumption is essential. Security Security is one of the most essential aspects of optimizing Google Maps […]

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PyCairo: A Pythonic Interface to the Cairo Graphics Library

PyCairo: A Pythonic Interface to the Cairo Graphics Library

PyCairo: The Pythonic Way to Create 2D Graphics PyCairo is a Python module that provides bindings for the Cairo graphics library. It allows you to create and manipulate 2D graphics in Python. Pycairo is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of tasks, including: Pycairo is a well-documented and easy-to-use library. It […]

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Hüsnü Arkan, Hatırla

Hüsnü Arkan, Hatırla

Hatırla Beni hep böyle hatırlaAyrılık görmemişiz dahaHep küçük odalardaHep yarım uykularda Hatırla kalbim hatırlaBeni hep böyle hatırlaSabaha ne kaldı şuradaÖmrüme dokunan ellerEllerimi tutan ellerKaybolurum sen unuttukçaHatırla kalbimBize bir şarkı söylerdi yağmur abla Hatırla kalbimKilitli sır küpü evlerKim bilir ne incindilerMüzeyyen’in sesi nasıl güzelHatırla kalbim Hatırla kalbimBüyük uykumuzda yaşayan şeylerHatırla kalbimBir daha olmayacak şeylerYeniden olacak şeylerİyi […]

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Why your scheduled reports on Superset might not be working

Why your scheduled reports on Superset might not be working

There are a few reasons why your scheduled reports on Superset might not be working. Here are some of the most common reasons: If you have checked all of these things and your scheduled reports are still not working, you can try to review the logs:

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