
(35) Bulut teknolojileri, Cloud

Essentially the cloud is, in fact, the Internet. In simple terms, the ‘cloud‘ is the ability to host a software platform or service from a remote location that can be freely accessed and used anywhere via Internet access.

Telegram’ ın Kurucusu Pavel DUROV Paris’ te Gözaltına Alındı.

Telegram' ın Kurucusu Pavel DUROV Paris' te Gözaltına Alındı.

Mesajlaşma uygulaması Telegram’ın kurucusu ve üst yöneticisi (CEO) Pavel Durov’un Azerbaycan’dan özel jetle geldiği Fransa’da havalimanında gözaltına alındı. Paris Savcılığı tarafından Pavel Durov’un davasıyla ilgili 26 Ağustos Pazartesi günü basına bir açıklama yapılacağı bildirildi. Fransa’daki Rus Büyükelçiliği yaptığı açıklamada Durov’un haklarını aramak ve konsolosluk erişimini sağlamak niyetinde olduklarını ancak “Fransız […]

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Amazon, Malezya’da Yeni AWS Bölgesini Açtı: Bulut Hizmetlerine Olan Talep Artıyor

Amazon, Malezya'da Yeni AWS Bölgesini Açtı: Bulut Hizmetlerine Olan Talep Artıyor

Amazon Web Services (AWS), dünya genelinde bulut hizmetlerine olan talebin artmasıyla birlikte, Malezya’da yeni bir AWS bölgesi açtığını duyurdu. Bu adım, AWS’nin Asya-Pasifik bölgesindeki genişleme stratejisinin bir parçası olarak dikkat çekiyor. Malezya’da Bulut Teknolojisine Yatırım Amazon’un Malezya’da yeni bir AWS bölgesi açması, hem yerel hem de bölgesel işletmelerin bulut teknolojilerine […]

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AWS SNS: Unraveling the Power of Cloud Messaging

AWS SNS: Unraveling the Power of Cloud Messaging

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, AWS (Amazon Web Services) Simple Notification Service (SNS) emerges as a robust and versatile messaging solution. This informative article sheds light on the history, license model, key features, benefits, alternatives, drawbacks, and real-world applications of AWS SNS. Join us as we unravel the […]

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FastAPI Unleashed: A Guide to Building High-Performance APIs with Python

FastAPI Unleashed: A Guide to Building High-Performance APIs with Python

In the dynamic world of web development, the need for fast, efficient, and scalable web APIs is ever-increasing. Enter FastAPI, a modern, high-performance web framework for building APIs with Python. Leveraging the power of Python 3.7+ based on standard Python-type hints, FastAPI is designed to create RESTful APIs in a […]

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Paxos: An Innovative Path for Distributed Systems

Paxos: An Innovative Path for Distributed Systems

A creative look at how Paxos ensures that all nodes in a distributed system agree on the same state of the world. In distributed systems, all nodes must agree on the same state of the world. This is because if nodes disagree, it can lead to problems such as data […]

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AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS): The Gold Standard for Block Storage

Title: AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS): The Gold Standard for Block Storage

A reliable, scalable, and durable block storage service for Amazon EC2 instances Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) is a reliable, scalable, and durable block storage service for Amazon EC2 instances. EBS volumes are persistent, meaning they retain their data even if the instance they are attached to is terminated. EBS […]

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Monitoring and Logging in DevOps with AWS CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail

Monitoring and Logging in DevOps with AWS CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail

Keep your systems running smoothly and securely. Monitoring and logging are essential practices in DevOps. Monitoring allows you to track the performance of your systems, while logging will enable you to collect data about the events that occur in your plans. This data can be used to identify problems, troubleshoot […]

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Enhancing IoT Security: FBI’s Vital Recommendations for Device Safety

Enhancing IoT Security: FBI's Vital Recommendations for Device Safety

In an era of ubiquitous Internet of Things (IoT) devices, their security has never been more crucial. The FBI, recognizing this need, advises that IoT device owners place these gadgets on a separate network. This precaution aims to mitigate the risk of hackers increasingly targeting such devices. The rationale is […]

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Accelerating Cache Mechanisms in API Development

Accelerating Cache Mechanisms in API Development

In the fast-paced digital world, speed and efficiency are not just desirable; they’re expected. This is where caching plays a pivotal role in API development. Caching is a technique that stores copies of data in a temporary storage area, making future requests for that data faster. 1. Understanding the Basics […]

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Is AWS Chatbot the Next Big Thing in Business Communication or Just Another Botched Attempt?

What Is AWS Chatbot?

AWS Chatbot is a service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows you to create and deploy chatbots in various messaging channels like Slack, Amazon Chime, and Microsoft Teams. With AWS Chatbot, you can configure chatbots to monitor and interact with your AWS resources, such as Amazon CloudWatch and […]

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