Rebel Foods, a cloud kitchen startup operating under brands such as Oven Story, Behrouz Biryani, Sweet Truth, and Faasos, has laid off around 2% of its employees. The company, which Sequoia backs, said that the layoffs resulted from an annual performance evaluation and realigning the organization to align with the […]
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Türkiye’nin hızlı ticaret platformu Yemeksepeti, restoran işletmeciliğinde yeni nesli temsil eden bulut mutfak yatırımlarının çözüm ortağı oluyor. Yemeksepeti, sadece paket servis ile hizmet veren ‘sanal’ restoran ve kafeleri, 27 milyonu aşkın kullanıcı ve sektöre öncülük eden dijital çözümlerle buluşturuyor. Kısa sürede, 14 bulut mutfak kapsamında 100’ü aşkın marka ve 150’ye […]
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Sipariş ettiğiniz yemek bambaşka bir yerden geliyor olabilir. Bulut mutfak nedir? Türkiye’de Avane Cloud Kitchens ve Paket Mutfak gibi birkaç örneği bulunan bulut mutfak girişimleri tamamen paket servis üzerine kuruluyor. Dolayısıyla siz Moda’daki Beppe Pizzeria’dan sipariş verdiğinizde pizzanız aslında Hasanpaşa’daki Avane Cloud Kitchens’ta ya da Köfteci Ramiz’den verdiğiniz siparişler restoranda […]
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In 2023, companies will take a closer look at how delivery affects customer satisfaction, profits, and corporate social responsibility, a tech firm says. November 14, 2022 More companies are focusing on the importance of last-mile delivery to their overall business, giving logistics a seat at the table in the C-suite […]
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Cloud kitchen yani bulut mutfak… Paylaşım ekonomisinin yarattığı bir kavram. Fiziki restoranı olmayan eve servis hizmetleri üzerinden tüketiciye ulaşan restoranlar anlamına geliyor. Bir ana mutfak ve bu ana mutfağa bağlı uydu mutfaklardan oluşan bir sistem. Ana mutfakta hazırlanan yemekler, uydu mutfaklarda yapılan son dokunuşlarla tüketiciye ulaştırılıyor. Sistemde köfteci, hamburgerci, pizzacı, […]
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Jimmy Donaldson, better known as MrBeast — a popular Youtube personality with over 100 million followers — leads the virtual burger concept. MrBeast Burger operates over 1,700 ghost kitchens worldwide since launching in 2020. November 26, 2022 the original news is “N.J. restaurant to become Mr. Beast Burger ghost kitchen “
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Nov 15, 2022 Now, the food aggregator has decided to manually check any physical location which runs more than ten brands out of a single place. Further, “While there is no exact science to the right number of brands, we believe that even the most organized outlets in the industry […]
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Reef Technology operated “ghost kitchens” in trailers parked across Portland. But a company with plenty of cash and a can’t-miss idea appears to be in retreat. December 14, 2022 Ghost kitchens, also known as virtual restaurants or delivery-only kitchens, are facilities that prepare meals for delivery through third-party apps such […]
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On the positive impacts of favoring local produce: “It’s easy to see a carrot as this thing that shows up on your plate, and that’s all it is. I mean, obviously, there’s so much more behind that. There are the growing practices; there’s the caretaking of the land. There are […]
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The ghost kitchen industry has been growing in recent years. A virtual or dark ghost kitchen is a commercial kitchen used exclusively to prepare delivery-only meals. Ghost kitchens are designed to meet the increasing demand for delivery-only services. They have gained popularity as a way for restaurants to expand their […]
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