Chipotle, the renowned fast-casual Mexican chain, is embarking on a new journey. The destination? The heart of small-town America. A Strategic Move: Beyond Urban Centers Chipotle has been a familiar name in bustling urban centers. It’s now setting its sights on smaller markets. This move is part of the brand’s […]
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Lincoln Restaurant, a beloved Washington D.C. dining institution, has introduced a new ghost kitchen brand called White House Sandwiches. The new brand offers a variety of handcrafted sandwiches, subs, hoagies, and cheesesteaks, all inspired by Lincoln’s owner and proprietor Alan Popovsky’s Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey roots. Ghost Kitchens: A […]
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Ghost kitchens, also known as cloud or virtual kitchens, are changing the face of the restaurant industry. These digital-only establishments, devoid of traditional storefronts, have surged, especially during the pandemic. While they existed before COVID-19, their growth skyrocketed as indoor dining became risky. These kitchens can be standalone or operate […]
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Ghost kitchens, the culinary world’s answer to the digital age, are poised to redefine our dining experiences. The traditional restaurant model is undergoing a seismic shift as these virtual kitchens gain traction. Here’s how: In the long run, ghost kitchens might not replace traditional dining but will coexist, offering a […]
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Restaurant Expands Summer Hours with New Ghost Kitchen Pedroso’s Pizza, a popular Austin pizzeria, is expanding its summer hours by utilizing a ghost kitchen. The ghost kitchen at Prep ATX will allow Pedroso’s to offer delivery and takeout orders from 11 am to 9 pm, seven days a week. Ghost […]
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A Spicy Announcement Chipotle has unveiled its plans to spice up the Middle Eastern food scene in a groundbreaking move. Partnering with the renowned Alshaya Group, the brand is set to introduce its flavors to this vibrant region. While Chipotle boasts over 50 locations in Canada and Europe and an […]
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Economists define a recession as two consecutive quarters of decline in the gross domestic product (GDP). The media defines it as anything that has tragic newsworthiness. Politicians only see recession when the other party is in power. Restating an old joke is a slowdown when your neighbor loses his job. […]
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As some restaurants consider shutting down due to staffing shortages, the social experience of going out to eat may become harder to come by. Despite fears of a slowing economy driven by rising inflation and interest rates, the War for Talent still rages in the U.S. There are more than […]
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Future Proof Your Restaurant Investment with Delious PICO. It is Compact, Flexible and integrated with the Delious Cloud Back office. Delious PICO is ideal for Café, Restaurant, Food Courts, and Speciality Shops. Delious PICO, the latest innovative and powerful POS solution for every F&B business model. The all-in-one integrated POS […]
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