“The Art of Strategy: Steps Towards Business Agility”, strateji kavramını derinlemesine ele alan bir eserdir. Kitap, Sun Tzu’nun “Savaş Sanatı” eserini modern iş dünyasına uyarlayarak, John Boyd’un OODA döngüsü ve Simon Wardley’nin Wardley Haritalama teknikleriyle harmanlar.er bölüm, Sun Tzu’nun öğretilerini günümüz iş dünyasına adapte eder ve Boyd ile Wardley’nin perspektifleriyle […]
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Mesajlaşma uygulaması Telegram’ın kurucusu ve üst yöneticisi (CEO) Pavel Durov’un Azerbaycan’dan özel jetle geldiği Fransa’da havalimanında gözaltına alındı. Paris Savcılığı tarafından Pavel Durov’un davasıyla ilgili 26 Ağustos Pazartesi günü basına bir açıklama yapılacağı bildirildi. Fransa’daki Rus Büyükelçiliği yaptığı açıklamada Durov’un haklarını aramak ve konsolosluk erişimini sağlamak niyetinde olduklarını ancak “Fransız […]
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DevOps Automation with AWS DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). DevOps aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide high-quality continuous delivery. Automation is a vital part of DevOps. By automating tasks, you can free up time for developers […]
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While you might think there are only a few ways to manage projects, dozens of methodologies can help a project manager get their team and projects across the finish line. Here, we’ll look at the most common project management methods and introduce a few you might never have heard of. […]
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DoorDash has restructured its caching system, a mix of different technologies across its microservices, into a unified, multi-layered cache. This new system provides a generic mechanism to address issues from the fragmented approach, such as cache staleness and heavy reliance on Redis. The architecture was driven by the need for […]
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Agile Change Management: Overview, Principles, Best Practices (2024) by Priyanka Malik Overview: This article explores the concept of Agile Change Management, a methodology that has gained prominence in various business sectors beyond its IT origins. Agile Change Management emphasizes iterative and incremental development, collaboration, and adapting to change, starkly contrasting […]
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In the digital symphony of modern web services, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the maestros conducting seamless interactions between software applications. For developers wielding Python, FastAPI has emerged as a virtuoso framework that accelerates API development and sings a tune of automatic documentation. This article will explore the crescendo of […]
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When crafting a resume, it’s essential not to overlook the importance of skills. According to LinkedIn career expert Blair Heitmann, skills have become pivotal in job recruitment. Companies are transitioning from traditional metrics like degrees and years of experience to a skills-based hiring approach. Both hard skills, such as coding […]
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Suraj Vishwakarma delves deep into the factors that significantly hamper a developer’s productivity. He highlights that a whopping 45% of the total coding time is spent on passive coding, which leads to wasted time and resources. No. Productivity Killers Short Descriptions 1 Ineffective Meetings Frequent and unnecessary meetings disrupt developers’ […]
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In the realm of software development, the structure and design of systems are often influenced by various theories and principles. Conway’s Law is one such theory that has garnered attention and applicability in modern software architecture. This Law, formulated by Melvin Conway in 1967, posits that the design of any […]
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